Auwaerter Continues Attacks On Patients

Auwaerter Continues Attacks on Doctors/Patients

Paul Auwaerter from Johns Hopkins continues his attacks on Lyme patients and the doctors who treat them, even taking a stab at the volunteer patient educators and advocates. In doing so he drags the names of Ken and Sherrilyn Fisher (Fisher Investments), and Johns Hopkins into his own personal ugly battle. The Fisher's support Hopkins through funding. The following letters were sent to address this situation.

The Daily Beast Article- Predator Doctors Take Advantage of Patients With "Chronic Lyme" Scam

Response to Johns Hopkins President

October 2, 2014

Dear President Daniels,

Johns Hopkins name is being used once again to support attacks on very sick people and doctors across the country that treat them. This horrible behavior- a handful of doctors attacking this group of chronically ill/disabled patients- has been going on for two decades, unfortunately. I've spent the last 28 years volunteering to help these sick patients and fending off Hopkins attacks on them whenever possible. I can't imagine anyone at Hopkins would appreciate their name being used to boost anyone’s credibility (Paul Auwaerter at Hopkins) while they use Hopkins name to publicly torment and incite anger. If your employee, Paul Auwaerter, wants to prove a point as a doctor in your institution, he should do so using the science as his support and not by commenting in articles for the press that are potentially libelous.

I believe Auwaerter's coauthor/friend, Edward McSweegan, is the "annonymous doctor" that is currently exploiting the Hopkins name in the recent article in the Daily Beast. In another journal article McSweegan falsely claimed to be from Johns Hopkins to avoid being associated with the NIH where he had been instructed to not associate himself with the NIH when doing this evil work (see appendix at bottom of article), and did so with Auwaerter's assistance. This is his style- hiding when in trouble or to avoid more trouble- and what he has been known to do, and has been sanctioned for multiple times. Some of his previous comments- filled with hate and prejudice against many- can be found here, all which are known to and supported by Auwaerter, along with orchestrating the attacks on doctors who treat people with chronic Lyme disease, a condition Auwaeter, after all this time and massive amounts of scientific proof to the contrary, still tries to insist does not exist.

The small group of doctors Auwaerter works with and befriends have been sanctioned in the past for wrong-doings (including Stephen Dumler from Hopkins), yet their revenge on patients and doctors continues to pop up in new venues after they are caught and disciplined. As the Attorney General stated after Auwaerter, Dumler, et al. were investigated in 2008: "The IDSA's 2006 Lyme disease guideline panel [Auwaerter is editor] undercut its credibility by allowing individuals with financial interests -- in drug companies, Lyme disease diagnostic tests, patents and consulting arrangements with insurance companies -- to exclude divergent medical evidence and opinion.”

These continued hits on sick patients and their doctors should be addressed by those appearing to support it, purposely or not (Hopkins name in the article). By writing you today I hope you will take action to stop these egregious actions before they go any further. If you have not seen the latest article I refer to, the link is below.

Predator Doctors Take Advantage of Patients With "Chronic Lyme" Scam

Thank you for listening and for considering this situation. Having Hopkins' name continue to be associated with this type of smearing and bullying is not acceptable. And I am fairly sure the Fisher's of Fisher Investments, who are supporting Hopkins/Auwaerter with funding, and who are also being used in this article to promote credibility for Auwaerter as he attacks others, will agree.

Lucy Barnes, Director

Lyme Disease Education and Support Groups of Maryland

631 Railroad Avenue

Centreville, MD 21617

Response to the Fisher's at Fisher Investments

Dear Sirs/Madams,

Your generosity and good name are being used to support attacks on very sick people and doctors across the country that treat them. This horrible behavior- a handful of doctors attacking this group of chronically ill/disabled patients- has been going on for two decades, unfortunately. I've spent the last 28 years volunteering to help these sick patients and can't imagine you would appreciate the Sherrilyn and Ken Fisher name being used to boost anyone’s credibility (Paul Auwaerter at Hopkins) and to torment and incite anger.

I believe Auwaerter's coauthor/friend, Edward McSweegan, is the "annonymous doctor" that is currently exploiting the Fisher name in the recent article in the Daily Beast. Some of his previous comments- filled with hate and prejudice- can be found here, all which are known to and supported by Auwaerter.

The small group of doctors Auwaerter belongs to have been sanctioned in the past for wrong-doings, yet their revenge on patients and doctors continues to pop up in new venues. As the Attorney General stated: "The IDSA's 2006 Lyme disease guideline panel [Auwaerter is editor] undercut its credibility by allowing individuals with financial interests -- in drug companies, Lyme disease diagnostic tests, patents and consulting arrangements with insurance companies -- to exclude divergent medical evidence and opinion.”

These revengeful actions toward others for this group being busted should be addressed by those appearing to support it, purposely or not. By writing you today I hope you will take action to stop these egregious actions and reconsider who you support for what projects. If you have not seen the article I refer to, the link is here.

Thank you for listening and for considering this situation. No need for the Fisher’s name to be connected to this type of hatred.

Lucy Barnes