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Re: Sweeg at the FDA meeting, telling Karen Forschner to "Buzz Off" posted by Karen Forschner

ActionLyme wrote:

From: Writer0608 - view profile

Date: Thurs, Feb 8 2001 1:58 pm

Email: writer0...@xxxxxxx (Writer0608)


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Sorry you have so much confused and incorrect. Why would you keep

attributing statements to me, that you know I did not say? You need to be


My concern is that you are fixated on me, and that fixation is increasing.

Including increasing over the internet.

Ed did say "Buzz-off Karen." Not very mature. And, I did not go up to

him. I noticed him after I was talking with Phil Baker. And, he was there with


I wonder how his lawsuit against NIH is going. Is he claiming conspiracy again?

And, the document was missing when it was FOI'd. Ed even sent an email

to the reporter, asking why she was interested in the document(s). But, I

guess you know this.

You state "I heard both conversations went badly." What do you think

you "heard"? Now, be careful, because you need to cite first hand

information, not gossip. Who told you the information, Phil or Ed?

Lastly, I admit that I did cry during the deposition. Yup. It was

during a reading of material Ed admitted writing, that mocked our dead son and

pets. And, a number of such writings were done WHILE he was a public

official working at NIH as LD Project Officer.

I was also surprised that Ed, (while a Public Official and LD Program

Officer) was tracking my parents address and phone numbers; my home address and

phone numbers; my travel agent's information; employee names, home addresses,

home phone numbers; my movements while working for the LDF; and had been at

the LDF's office.

He even had tracked down and talked with a person working with Dr. Joe

Burrascano. Keeping their informtion in his files. I was also surprised to see

his point system, giving himself a score when he was able to harm/interfere

with an LDF/Karen initiative. This was happening while he was the LD

project officer.

When was he working? And, who else did he track that he wasn't caught


Anon, if you plan to cite depositions I suggest this format.

These are regarding various charges Ed made about the LDF. Ed's

deposition. Q's are by lawyers to Ed. A's are Eds answers.

p229 lines 11-13.

"Q. But you have no factual basis to rely on?

A. Not at the moment."

p 288 lines 1-8

"Q. And what was your basis for saying this may invite investigation

and prosecution?

(ed -accusing the LDF of a wide range of things while NIH LD

Program Office)

A. Clairvoyance.

Q. Anything else?

A. Wishful thinking. I don't know.

Q. Clairvoyance and wishful thinking, okay. Anything else's?

A. No, I didn't have any knowledge of anything related to investigations at the


p 147 lines 15-22 p 148 lines 1-6

"Q. Are the things you've said about them, the Forschners or the

Foundation, that you believe to be true but that you didn't necessarily follow up

on and check yourself before you made those statements?

A. For example?

Q Anything

A. I don't think so.

Q In other words, if you made a statement about the Forschners or the

Lyme Disease Foundation that you didn't have personal knowledge about, did

you make an inquiry about it before you would make that statement in writing or

orally to make sure it was accurate?

A. Yes, but, in fact, I have no personal knowledge of anything."

The LDF received a lot of material from Ed during the time he was suing

the LDF. Much of this crossed lines from NIH to CDC and to the FDA. Ed

appeared to be very concerned with the activities of various people and we were

not the only ones to receive threats, retaliation, or reporting to federal


His own colleagues and a grantee was included as targets to be turned

in to federal, state, and local officials accused of serious wrongdoing.

It wasn't just the LDF.


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