RP Organisations

The Anime Club

Just a bunch of weebs that like to screw around on the server. They are spread over Middle-Earth. Most of them keep a secret that they are weebs and some weebs will never be discovered. Even when they go to war against each other they will remain friends and when the battle is over they go back to talking about anime around the campfire and reading manga in their secret libraries. It is said they have a secret base inside of the lobby but maybe it is only a rumor. Where they keep their waifu collection remains a secret.

Notable members;

  • 20donna04

  • WhiteDireWolf

The Librarians

The Librarians, also known as the Lore Masters, is a mysterious organisation that operates from the shadows. Not for assassination attempts or anything but to record the history of this server. It is said they even made this page but they are also collectors of rare items and create massive libraries filled with books. They have some connections to the outside world that are known as contributors but their identity also remains a secret. There are rumors that when there is little history to record, that the librarians create their own history to stir the server up. Rob and Kuon are rumored members of this mysterious organisation but no one knows for sure.

Notable members;

  • Unknown

Historic Organisations


Formerly the anti-weebs this faction used to consist of Yiannis, Rob, and Gohn. After attacks from Gohn on Yiannis his faction, Yiannis left. This faction likes to burn forests and grows double the amount of trees in return somewhere else. They prefer to do this around enemy bases. Gandalf and Thijs also helped Greenpeace in their battle. This is the faction that was at war with the weebs during the anime wars.

For every tree we burn, we plant two more

Notable members;

  • Gohnserf

  • Yiannis

  • RobRem58


This is a city founded by ATV and Plannercat. In the first election, they got infiltrated by alliance members. The alliance got control but started with the intention to make it work. Due to inactivity and the lack of motivation the city never came off the ground, however. Inner conflict between the founding fathers and the government made the government existing of alliance members leave. At that point, the founding father took over and tried to make it work. Due to another conflict soon after that, the alliance declared war on Retteram forcing ATV to give up on the city. In my comment on the Great War, there is more information about this.

Notable members;

  • Plannercat

  • ATV


When the Regime was officially gone for one year ATV wanted to attempt a new project called Bernreich. Similar to Retterdam it was supposed to have a somewhat democratic system with a kaiser (Atv himself) as the head of the state. Bernreich is inspired by German culture around the 19th century. It is Bernreichs goal to support new players by providing them farms and traders in the city of Bernreich.

Notable members;

  • ATV

The Creed

The Creed is an inter-factional cooperation created by Xergarok. The main goal is to create a safe hub where external issues have no power. Everything in the Creed stays in the Creed, what is out stays out. It allowed players on both sides in the war to meet each other without having to kill each other because the Creed would be a safe place. The HQ is in Bree and Bree itself became a Creed Project. The Creed still exists but plays a minor role in most players' lives.

Notable members;

  • Xergarok

  • Thijspvp3030

  • JensoNopiskainen

  • WhiteDireWolf

  • NY_Gandalf_Grey

Heirs of Malacath

Founded by resident_weevil, the ebonmere goliath, the heirs of Malacath are a group of tough, merciless standalone fighters, composed of both elves and Isengard renegades, who live in the Mansion, a constantly growing military center. Working as the valley's main defense line the heirs of Malacath show little mercy to anyone who tries to menace it.

Notable members;

  • resident_weevil

(Revived) Religion Called Rauwr

Rauwr was discovered when Mr_Jelle Rawr and Thijspvp3030 Raur got into a conflict with each other. They had some fights but in the end, they decided to make peace because a bigger threat was coming. They combined into Rauwr. It became their religious cult which quickly grew into the biggest religion on the server and several churches of Rauwr were made across the server. It later had to be disbanded because of how under pressure the religion became, it is unknown whether they secretly still exist.


Notable members;

  • Thijspvp3030

  • Mr_Jelle

  • My_Own_Shadow

  • Creeperdragon3

  • Jensonopiskainen


Weird religion on the server you have to ask ThePaulCreenis for the holy books.

Notable members;

  • ThePaulCreenis

  • TommyWombo

  • John_Snow13