
gohnserf's Minas Tirith Fortress

Server History

On LOTR Survival, Anórien is the primary Gondor faction and in the territory system it would control both Anórien and Minas Tirith. When the Harad update was about to come out, we split Gondor, Mordor and Harad into their various sub-factions. Gondor at that time was led by gohnserf who became leader of the Stewards of Gondor, and his lord Zhawn_YT claimed Anórien. gohnserf wanted to unite Anórien and Gondor; both Zhawn and Rob agreed on the unification and so it happened.

There was only one big issue with the merging of the factions - there were two leaders. Rob reasoned that Zhawn would be leader because he was the leader of Anórien and the faction would remain Anórien. gohn didn't agree and the faction was on the brink of civil war. At the last moment Zhawn laid down the position and gohnserf took over. Soon after, Anórien grew to be one of the most powerful factions at the time.

What of the early Gondor history? The first person to claim Gondor was ShieldBreaker, on 3rd August 2017. He attempted to consolidate his throne and recruited rome243 before building a small fort at Minas Tirith. Little did he know that the Shixes (Tank, Dirce and Fulmine) had their own dreams concerning the leadership of Gondor. Early during ShieldBreaker's reign, following days of tension with the Shixes, him and his right hand rome243 were besieged by an angry trio of Italians. It was a massacre. After being forced to surrender and cede the faction to the Shixes, he left the server soon after. Rome later joined Lothlorien.

The Shixes saw all evil players as their enemy. After a while they went inactive and gohnserf claimed Gondor - and has effectively led it ever since. The faction is held as a warmonger, and it shows as it has been part of every war on the server.

Because of this warmonger status, Gondor was able to claim most of Middle Earth and occupied Gondor, Mordor, Rhún, Harad and a large part of Eregion including Angmar. Eventually Gohn decided that it was to much work to keep all these teritories. This was also due to a change in the siege regulations. Gohn sold most of his territories in a big auction till he was only left with Gondor and Mordor. Gondor still remained one of the largest factions when it came to territories and is know well known for its strong forts across Middle Earth.

Not long after another war broke out with the coming alliance update. Anorien allied itself with the Orocarni and Norsca. After a few battles the Gondor subfactions reunited into Gondor under leadership of Anorien on 08 06 2020. 

After Gondor fought in the Last War Gohn left the server leaving Gondor in need of new leadership. Bene answered the call and claimed Gondor. He quickly build siege bases and claimed territories, under his leadership Gondor would continue to prosper. 

Faction Owners

Notable members
