
golden hall of meduseld by Honza

Server History

For a long time, no one really took an interest in this faction. ThePaulCreenis eventually claimed and together with his second hand Tommy he fought in the Great War. Paul eventually went inactive and Tommy took over command. Tommy eventually got corrupted by the dark forces and formed the Dreorin. The young lieutenant John took over the spot Tommy left behind and ruled the faction till he left to form a new kingdom in the cold North. By doing so John effectively ended the Creenis dynasty. DiscreetHonza became king after that. Honza made a change in policy, before all the faction leaders were always friends of the old Dúnedain leader WhiteDireWolf but Honza ended that friendship and went to war.

Honza's reign didn't last long. A new Rohan player called James aimed to take over the Rohan throne and made a deal with the Orocarni during their conquest that they would help him get the leadership of Rohan. In return, James would act as a spy for the Orocarni. When the Last Alliance fell apart sooner than was expected the Orocarni and James attacked Honza. With no Last Alliance to back him up anymore, Honza was defeated. Honza fled to the Dúnedain and after that, he traveled the world and joined multiple factions. After some weeks James went inactive and Honza reclaimed Rohan again.

With the new alliance system, Honza saw it is more beneficial to join up with other factions leaving the now empty Rohan to Aurelius, who had to continue a once numerous and prosperous faction on his own. Aurelius didn't manage to get Rohan back to its former glory and Rohan became insignificant and forgotten. Till John returned from his short break after the Last War. He reclaimed Rohan and promised to restore it to its former glory.

An important announcement by the Rohan government:

I, AureliusSverige, want to say a few important sentences to everyone. After much deliberation, I decided to take the next step. @John will take over the Rohan throne with the stroke of tomorrow's seventh hour of Central European Time. I give him a kingdom that has undergone enormous changes over the last year. Rohan witnessed the arrival and departure of many kings, revolution, stagnation and depopulation. Despite all this, I have achieved important successes as chief of lords and subsequently as king. As the kings came and went, I, with the help of the people, designed and was able to implement important changes and projects. The new king is now receiving a completely different kingdom than what it was here a year ago. The new towns of Edoras, Rothau, Grimslade and the small town of Woldhall have sprung up in Rohan. Monuments commemorating important places in our country have been built throughout the kingdom. Abroad, three naval bases were built for all Rohan citizens and their allies. A constitution and a new system of government have been created that is fair to all citizens. From an empty country is now the kingdom with the greatest potential in all factions. I believe that the new king will be able to use this potential and the new inhabitants will appreciate everything the Rothauer dynasty has built. Now I am happy to hand over my place with the best of wishes to the whole kingdom.

The coronation of the new king will take place this Sunday at seven o'clock Central European Time in a church in Rothau. A feast will follow in the golden hall of Edoras.


The citizen of Rohan who has always remained.

Faction Leaders

Notable members

  • RedstonerQuinn

  • Aurelius_Sverige

  • mickan2007

  • Schattebaut (Schatteserf)

  • Ultrasheep

  • Alonzo78

  • HRies_

  • Siguywhy99t

  • DiscreetJiggie