
Road to Eltheim's City

Server History

Ever since the faction split Umbar has been the most popular faction of the Harad faction but has difficulty with establishing itself as a powerhouse. Eltheim was as a king very peaceful but most of his underlings weren't and fought battles. Eltheims Umbar remained in the shadows of Lejo's Mordor when it came to popularity. Lejo's second departure should have been a big moment for Umbar if they didn't die out before Mordor did.

When Deth claimed Umbar he got himself involved in a war with Anorien. Gohnserf had plans to add the regions of Harad to his kingdom. As a member of the Southern Revolution Deth had many allies. He defended his territory bravely against the Gondor forces. Until the Union betrayed the Southern Revolution. Deth lost the siege on his base and lost his territory. Deth left the faction and fled to Rhudel after that.

Since Deth's departure, Umbar has been empty till Yiannis came to reclaim it shortly after the Norsca declared war on the Orocarni. Yiannis wants to bring Umbar back to its former glory and reclaim the lands of Harad for the Haradrim.

The fifth leader of Umbar is LordSylvestrion. Rumors tell us he was banned from TOS and came here bringing his entire faction with him. Although these are just rumors he did fill his faction quickly. On the crossing between the rivers of Umbar, he made a city that would also function as his siege base.

Sylvestrions reign was short but impactful. Under his leadership, a great city of Umbar was built and Umbar quickly grew to be the largest faction in number even reaching 23 active players in the summer of 2020. The Coalition members describe the Umbarians as noobs but the most reasonable of the Dread Alliance. Sylvestrion joined the Dread Alliance in the last war and even though it is hard to announce a victor Umbar is defenite the faction that had the best outcome. They didn't lose any of their lands and the disappearance of the Orocarni even allowed them to claim the whole south. Umbar allied with the Mountains of the Wind and together they formed a peaceful powerhouse guarding the south of Middle Earth.

Today is a Grand Day to celebrate for the people of Umbar and The Storm Alliance!

For on this day, thanks to the hard work and effort of every single person in our faction over these hard few Months, all of Harad(Directly and Indirectly) rests within our Borders, reunified under the Gold and Black Banners and growing legacy hopefully one day worthy of old Númenor!

May we hold it long, and remain as a respectable faction among this servers good people as we develop the South into the Shining Bright Gem it deserves to be!

I truly cannot thank enough the many that have helped make this possible and brought us this far. Has been an incredible group effort and I'm proud of everyone who contributed, no matter how big or small!

Sincerely, your beloved, favorite,

Sylverstrion Timeline 08-10-2020

After the war, the success didn't last long and many Umbarians went inactive. At one point the most trusted generals of Sylvestrion left the faction to form a new faction called the Deep Elves in the Red Mountains the Orocarni abandoned after the last war. It didn't take long for Umbar to grow completely inactive leaving Sylvestrion alone in the ruins of his short-lived empire till he also went inactive. With his own faction inactive, his allies inactive, and now some of his land being claimed Sylvestrion decided it was time to end this chapter.

End of a Chapter

Just like the tide, Today the Illustrious, Amazing, Your Favorite, One and Only Kindom of Umbar ends another chapter in its life.

With my inactivity, our territories disbanded, members away or dispersed to other lands, it is only right we take a step away for now.

I do trust when time is right Umbar will rise again, refreshed and stronger, to once again take Middle Earth by Storm.

Until then, were you friend or foe I hope you will look back on this time together fondly.

I'll still be around on occassion and The Krakens Pride will always be open to visitors if one will want to catch up over a drink.


LordSylvestrion 2-11-2020 timeline

Faction Leaders

Notable members

  • Zumboide

  • King_minotaur

  • SunnyCN