
The factions in LOTR Survival are based on the standard faction of the mod which are based on the factions in the mod. Joining a faction in the LOTR Survival isn't mandatory but can provide you with some nice benefits. Joining a faction can give you acces to a nice community, a faction title and a faction home. The factions are devided in good and evil based on Tolkiens lore and the alignment given to them by the creator of the mod. Not all factions in the list have their own alignment in the mod but will soon be added to the mod or are an subfaction of a larger faction.

On the pages of the induvidual faction the notable players, (past) leaders and the history of the faction in the server can be found. The lore of the server and the lore  of Tolkiens work are seperate. If you want to read up on the actual lore of the faction I suggest you use a lotr wiki.

Lore Factions

Custom Factions

Custom Factions