Iconic weapon

Some weapons that are used of the server stand out from others. Like Anduril stood out in the lore of Lord of the Rings due to the great kings that wielded it and the backstory from the sword. To remember these weapons this page was created. To not get spammed with new weapons to be added to the page only the weapons from the players of renown will be added up to three. The weapons they submit have to have a backstory like Anduril has and they need to be almost instantly recognizable for a large part of the playerbase when they are named. Requirements.


Nonce Neutraliser

This is the first mithril halberd Rob owned in 2018. He didn't even max it properly and had long instead of swift. In Rob's own words "since I was a noob in 2018". The halberd had somewhere between 500 and 1000 kills but Rob can't remember and this can't be confirmed anymore. The weapon wasn't always called nonce neutraliser, in December 2019 he renamed it. The name it had before was Weeb Killer and it was one of the relics from the Weeb Wars and before that war the weapon was unnamed.

Rob lost the weapon during the first siege on krysoun his base in the Misty Mountains. Back then KeepINV was turned off during sieges and Rob died wielding this mighty weapon. krysoun was the one who picked it up but died soon after with the weapon in his inventory. The weapon was left on the bottom of the quagmire moat and it is believed that it despawned there.

Gohnserf took pity and gifted Rob a new mithril halberd, as well as his first two mithril crossbows. The new mithril halberd was named A Sharpened Souvlaki by the Greek, and it has been in use ever since.

Creative Inventory

A Ringil which HalflingHR bought and gifted to Rob just before the Misties sieges, as he needed a donator sword so it didn't drop. Named as such due to the perceived widespread abuse accusations at the time. Accumulated around 500 kills during its lifespan, and replaced Bane of Degenerates as his primary weapon since he preferred its texture. It met its unclimactic end a few months ago. Rob was playing FFA and was not looking at the durability.

18/08/19 - 10/04/20. Rest in pieces Creative Inventory

The Ban Hammer

Not to be confused with The Ban Anime Hammer, the ban hammer was a mithril warhammer gifted to Rob by Wolf. Rob rarely used it in combat as he prefer my infernal Ban Anime Hammer to the chill on the Ban Hammer, but he might whip it out in the future. Currently held in the Oasis Nyekundu


Bug Abuse

This is the Anduril sword which krysoun has maxed before the battle in the snow, after he abused few bugs and nearly got banned a few minutes before siege. This sword was used in every battle or siege since then , it gathered 1000 kills throughout the sieges and skirmishes.

Void Relic

Void Relic was forged shortly after the great war when krysoun’s 2nd “Blackfyre” halberd was stolen by Bandit and then taken by lejopard. Trough the playtime and sieges it had many names and about year ago, it was named “Void relic “ and the name holds till now. It currently sits above 1000 kills.

Men Swatter

Also known as “Noob Slayer” it was used during the noobslaughter time the most, an ancient weapon from times of great war, formally known as ''longclaw'' given to krysoun125 by lejopard. The mallorn mace currently sits at around 800 kills.


Smaug’s Lemonade straw

Smaug’s Lemonade Straw was Thijs’s first properly maxed weapon, it was made by Ironhand501 for Thijs when he was new and still is his most used weapon. The weapon has been used in every siege, skirmish and war Thijs has fought in and has taken more than 1400 Lives while serving it’s master.



When Bene joined he was completely new to the mod, thus having no idea of maxing gear at first. After a month , he decided it was time for a maxed bow , so he gathered all the ingredients for a maxed out Lindon bow. it was his first ever proper maxed weapon.

As it was done, he named it Pussyschnüffler, a name which came to be renown among ally and enemy rows.

This headhunting-sharpshooter-flame bow has been his main bow since 2 years now, and has scored nearly 700 kills in countless battles, wars and skirmishes.



Hawk-Eye was the only bow Xergarok really used, and has been in his possesion for a very long time. It is a maxed Galadhrim bow without sharpshooter. It currently sits around 400 kills, and is still used now.


One of Xerg's first not-noob weapons and the first proper mithril weapon he owned. He bought it from gohnserf for 12,5k a very long time ago, and he has been using it ever since, it currently sits around 350 kills.


It's Looong

It's Looong is Zhawn_YT's first mithril halberd. Zhawn could not figure out a name of this halberd which made him just state the obvious. Little did he know, it would be known and read as a dirty joke. It was forged near the time of April 2019, and currently sits around 230 kills. This halberd would later be replaced by Zhawn_YT's mithril spear.

It's Not As Long

It's Not As Long is Zhawn_YT's first mithril spear. This spear came about because of the influx of spears in pvp and player combat. He once again struggled with a name so he decided it was not as long as his halberd, and hence came the name. He quickly put loyalty on this spear and it has returned every time back in his hands. This spear currently sits at about 175 kills.


Originally krysoun125's spear, Zhawn_YT was able to acquire this through DiscreetHonza. There was a great battle near the Gulf of Harad. During this great battle krysoun125 dropped his spear, X-Ray. It had been used some time by krysoun125 so it had quite a lot of kills. Once DiscreetHonza picked up this weapon, he offered it to many people, and Zhawn quickly used his wealth to gain this weapon. Once in the hands of Zhawn it was never returning to the original owner. Zhawn does not bring it out often, but the spear at this time currently sits around 300 kills.

infected heroin needle

This was another great find by Zhawn. While in his home, Zhawn was cleaning some weapons and saw syferdis asking in chat to trade some items. Zhawn accepted and did the trade. What syferdis did not know what Zhawn was going to kill him. Due to this fact Zhawn started killing syferdis after the trade, and syferdis panicked and dropped the morgul blade. This gave the opportunity for Zhawn to get this famous blade and claim it as his own. As it stands the morgul blade sits around 100 kills on it.


Coal Industry

The coal industry dates back to one week before the first siege on krysoun's misties base, it was John's first ever maxed out weapon and it currently sits around 340 kills.

Greta Thunbergs bane

Greta Thunbergs bane was John's second Halberd after he lost Sky piercer, it was eventually stolen by Otis but John paid him to get it back. When John took a break the halberd was gifted to IkSlaapNaakt and he added another 100 kills to it. It currently sits around 470 kills.

Brexit Means Brexit

Brexit means Brexit is the Spear John made after Geralt suggested that he should get one, during a pvp event when he accidentaly threw it it was picked up by PlannerCat who put it on his wall. It was later returned and is still used today


The Flame of Harad

A weapon that dates back to the western coalition as of now it has 999 kills. Deth is waiting to kill Rob with it for the 1k kill and get his head to put on display at his Umbar base to rest forever on 1k kills. This is Deth's first donor sword and a totem from when he was the leader of Umbar.

Valkyrie #2
The first version, Valkyrie, was misplaced in a furnace of Krysoun Which he never returned. It still hangs in his lonely halls in the Woodland Realm. Deth forged a second one in honor of its fallen comrade. Deth created this bow over a year ago and still uses it till this day. Deth says that this is his bow spam option and claims it has brought him many victories.

Quinn's Sword

Quinn's Sword used by her in the Umbar sieges and then gifted to Deth as a token before she left. It absorbed her spirit from the halls of WhiteDireWolf's library and now rests in Deth's hands to be used in combat and unleash her dark spirit to corrupt the youth.


Orinoco Flow

Orinoco Flow a maxed loyalty spear with flame, Chroma's first actual maxed weapon, it has seen many conflicts mainly in the previous war. Many people know this weapon, especially those who know its reference, for it is named after a song Chroma listens to when fighting people with this weapon.