Woodland Realm

Hambina's Woodland Castle

Server History

No other faction had as many leaders as this one. Whenever this faction was claimed it was under heavy attack. Lightnights' Woodland Realm was bombed by Panda while Pickygray and 24blocking were under constant attack. The fights in this area made the 3 early leaders leave the faction and Woodland remained unclaimed for a while.

When Spellbinder came on the server she took a liking to the forest. She slowly built up a very peaceful faction that didn't really involve itself with the politics of the server. Spellbinder wasn't that vocal and she slowly disappeared. Her loyal servant Donna took her place and started to involve the faction with wars and politics again. Under Donna the faction itself slowly died and Donna left to join the Dúnedain.

For a long time, the once so popular faction was unclaimed until RedDragon took a liking to it. He was mostly alone but he did involve himself with what was going on in the world. His downfall was the Orocarni coming up from the east. When Red ruled you needed a territory to be able to lead a faction. The Orocarni took over his territory and Red was forced to leave.

Now the faction doesn't show itself to the outside world.

Faction Leaders:

Notable members:

  • electraheart

  • Hambina

  • Alice_the_fine