
Will's Dúnedain Council

Server History

This faction has often been the largest faction on the server. It was claimed by WhiteDireWolf during The Age of Discovery when he left his base in the foothills of the red mountains. Somewhere in the middle of the Angle Wolf founded a city that would later be named Armenelos by his right hand, Yiannis. Yiannis who was leading Lothlorien was convinced by Wolf to join the Dunedain. Together they grew a Mallorn Tree in the city. This tree still functions as Yiannis' base. The city and faction started to grow rapidly. Will joined the faction and setup his base right next to Armenelos, where it still stands to this day.

When the dark ages started, Armenelos often got attacked by the 3 badies (Syferdis, Panda and Ebay) and later lejopard. Panda blew up the great statue at the center of the village that would later be broken down and rebuilt somewhere else. Following these events Wolf started the undergrounds of Armenelos that would later host the WTC.

During the age of silence Wolf disappeared and Will took over. Will was planning a new capital in the South Downs. Will created the Dúnedain council there and made a new tower guarding the forests. During this time, the Dunedain built glorious bases, thanks to Will himself, and steadily grew all the more larger. Will later fought in the Kuon Wars. When they ended, Will left the Dúnedain and went to live in Dunland. Wolf returned shortly after.

Wolf took over the Dúnedain again and aligned himself with lejo who returned shortly in the second half in the Age of silence. After a few skirmishes, Wolf went inactive while the Dúnedain led by Yiannis kept fighting till the end of this war. Iceydice took over first and ruled for a short time until he also went inactive. Without a leader Yiannis was forced to take over.

From that point the Dúnedain showed some growth and so did Armenelos but that growth was soon halted by the Great War. Most people were surprised when Wolf joined up with Gondor and Rivendell. Wolf didn't agree when Yiannis wanted to fight with the forces of evil. He formed the Rogue Dúnedains and retreated to the mountains of the wind to assist the Alliance from there. Wolf was victorious at the end of The Great War but he returned to a Dúnedain led by Yiannis anyway. From then on, he grew his faction and with his loyal followers, he claimed land in the name of Dunedain, in an attempt to rival the largest kingdom then, Rohan. He never achieved his goal of over taking the Rohirrim, but he had built up a large enough Kingdom that he was contempt with. Yiannis then went inactive for a bit and returned later again.

Wolf took back control over the Dúnedain when Yiannis moved to serve the then Lord of Umbar. At the end of the Great War both Armenelos and the Dúnedain started to grow. The Dunedain and Mordor took refugees from the Great War in and became the 2nd power house of the server. With the Dunedain often being slightly bigger, more equipped and more experienced as well. Mordor was for the evil players and the Dunedain for the good players. The Light and the Darkness.

The Anime Wars brought an abrupt end to this growth the Dúnedain fought together with Mordor and eventually won. At the end of the war however, the Dúnedain members decided it was time to move on. When the Orocarni announced their conquest Wolf called out for his old faction members and his allies in Gondor and Rohan and formed the Western Coalition so they could protect themselves. This was the killing blow for The Dúnedain. The Western Coalition fell and a large part of the remaining Dúnedain moved away leaving only a handful of players. Without the Western Coalition and his weakened Dúnedain Wolf saw no more options to fight the growing Orocarni forces. He left his beloved city ,that was already mostly governed by Yiannis, officially in Yiannis' care and resigned as leader of the Dúnedain while looking for refuge in the Kingdom of Anorien.

Now one of the last remaining Dúnedain veterans that has been loyal to Wolf has taken up the role of leader of the Dúnedain. With no territories and with a few Dúnedain ,IceyDice leads them peacefully, not involving the Dúnedain too much in any war mostly staying in the background.

After the Orocarni Conquest ended Wolf resigned as an Orocarni lord and together with the Orocarni lord Zhawn he reclaims the Dúnedain. Both tired of war they want a faction that is neutral to war and with a close community that can do Utumno raids and boss battles together. Plans for a big Dúnedain city are in the making. Attracted by this idea and the heavy recruiting of the Dúnedain a lot of other server veterans join but barely any new players. The Dúnedain grew back to a major faction again, but not for long. The veterans didn't need the raids or boss fights, the veteran players also had their own bases and were busy with their own projects delaying the work on the city. Slowly all the veterans started to leave again contributing to the decline of the Dúnedain. When John came back to reclaim Norsca even more players left. Now the Dúnedain remains as a strong and small faction and with a new war brewing the Dúnedain still plan to remain neutral favouring the Orocarni side.

And with the departures of Wolfie, Zhawn, the Dunedain return once more to their slumber. A giant that once was, and shall never be again. For it seems as though the core of its people can never unite once more. Only time will tell the fate of the Dunedain. Whether they shall fade into obscurity, or rise once more, and reclaim their lost lands.

And the time came but it was not Wolf that returned to reclaim the Dúnedain but IceyDice or Creepvoid as he is called now. Creepvoid hasn't forgotten about the time of the Western Coalition and joined his old allies in the Dark Council rather than joining up with the allies of his predecessor. To the surprise of some the Dúnedain quickly grew again and the leader built multiple forts in preparation of the reset coming at the end of July 2020.

Faction Leaders

Notable members