
Weevils Rivendell Mansion

Server History

Rivendell is the first faction that got claimed on this server. Rob claimed it when he released the first faction system. Weev joined him and they have both been actively playing for Rivendell till Rob left to conquer Middle Earth. The base on the picture down below has been there almost from the start. Weevil also known as the master grinder constructed it. Although weev mostly stayed out of fights he did provide Rob to fight his. Before Rob left Rivendell was one of the most aggressive factions now that weevil owns Rivendell, it is one of the most peaceful. Rivendell often had only 2 important players with a few insignificant joining every now and then. First it was Rob and Weev, now it is Weev and Xergarok.

In the Dark Ages, Rivendell often stood together with the Dúnedain, Gondor and Durinsfolk to fight back against the forces of evil. Rivendells relations with the Dúnedain started wavering during the Age of Silence and from that point forward they sometimes had to fight against them. Most of Rivendells fights were against the 3 baddies during the dark ages.

Rivendell has fought in every major war. During the Kuon wars the bravely stood against the lady of the south. During the Great War they were the first to join Gondor to fight against the the forces of evil. They took down some of the ATV organisations and fought during the anime war against the weebs. Even when Rob was gone Weevil kept supporting the Orocarni and Gondor although his actions were mostly neutral.

Faction Leaders

Notable members