Mountains of the wind

Server History

LolyPoop's original lore for the faction was short so we build on top of it. The residents of the Mountains of the Wind are Red Mountains dwarves who sought a place to mine far away from the wars and stumbled on the Mountains of the Wind where they met some Avari. Avari are elves who stayed behind in Middle Earth and didn't travel west. The dwarves started to live in peace with the elves and made great cities underground connected by a network of underground roads. After a while, the Easterlings heard rumurs about the prosperous Mountains to the south and they decided to travel there to see for themselves. Some of the Easterlings broke free of the evil influence of Sauron and Morgoth and the elves and dwarves allowed to stay. The culture of these Easterlings was combined with the culture of the Avari and Dwarves and they brought their love for drawings and cherry blossoms with them.


The dwarf Lolypoop_ was the first dwarf to arrive in the Mountains of the Wind, although he wasn't the first settler there. He founded the faction and build a settlement in the North of the Mountains. His settlement was prosperous but soon faded away into history. Months after one of the original settlers of the Mountains of the Wind, the Avari WhiteDireWolf returned to his home in the Mountains where the rivers split. He had traveled the world and fought wars in the name of the Dúnedain and Orocarni. He brought his former comrades with him who also decided to settle close to where he lived. One of these comrades was Starlight who rose to power and became Queen of the Wind. During The Last War, the Mountains of the Wind remained neutral but negotiated with Umbar to form an alliance. When the war was over the Storm Alliance was formed. Umbar conquered the south while the Mountains of the Wind hold the clusters of the Mountains of the Wind and the Red Mountains. The plans were to fight the remnants of the empires that remained after the last war but Umbar soon crumbled due to inactiveness and the Mountains of the Wind shortly followed.

Lolypoop_ saw his chance and made a new appearance and reclaimed the throne of the weakened Mountains of the Wind. While some left voluntarily he banished the ones that remained. The refugees were welcomed into the Woodland Realm where the former Wind Avari Donna took power. It didn't take long however for Lolypoop_ to disappear again. Months later he was discovered among the Orocarni. With the faction empty and most settlements empty Wolf decided it was time to rebuild. Together with Gandalf he returned to the Mountains and became King of the Wind. Donna followed later.

The Mountains of the Wind stayed mostly peaceful. They didn't engage in combat but were sometimes vocal when they disapproved of the aggresion of other factions. This led to the farming district of the Mountains of the Wind being griefed. The players of the Mountains of the Wind were mostly building and connected their outposts with each other using underground halls. They created a big city and then suddenly disappeared leaving behind their riches untouched till they someday might return.

Faction Leaders

  • LolyPoop_

  • Starlightxx

  • WhiteDireWolf

Notable members

  • NY_Gandalf_Grey

  • xOneesan (20donna04)