Wadfrea related lore (source Wadfrea Clan Discord #wadfrea-related-lore @WillFrostStorm

Here I/we can post some interesting lore regarding Dunland and everything to do with our Clan.(bewerkt)


The Dunlendings must be one of the most misunderstood peoples of Tolkien’s Middle-Earth. Many regard them as little more than brutish savages, yet this is not how Tolkien portrayed them. A remnant of an ancient people akin to the Third House of the Edain, they withstood the forced rule of the Númenoreans and later the attacks of the Rohirrim, who drove them from the empty plains of Calenardhon to the barren uplands that became their only home. They were one of the few peoples in Middle-Earth who maintained their own cultural identity, rather than being ‘Númenorized’ as were so many others.

With the new update that adds Bree i want to address some things.(bewerkt)


The people of Bree actually descend from the Dunlendings, as we can see in the lore:(bewerkt)


The Men of Bree are another offshoot of the Dunlendings, who moved even further north until they reached what became the Bree-land, and were absorbed into Arnor.


It is possible that the rivalry between the primitive Dunlendings and the blond-haired, pseudo-Anglo-Saxon Rohirrim who migrated into the lands neighboring them was meant by Tolkien to be analagous to the real life conflicts that arose between the Anglo-Saxons in England and neighboring Celtic peoples.

This is supported by the fact that placenames of Bree-land like Bree, Archet and Combe are Celtic. The Stoor Hobbits (who had stayed long in Dunland), have Celtic elements in their names. Tolkien mentioned that the survival of traces of the older language of the Stoors and the Bree-men resembled the survival of Celtic elements in England.

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