
Dalish House 

Server History

The reign of Jelle

Under Jelle's rule, which lasted from the approximately beginning of the dark ages till he got banned at the end of the age of war, Dale came to be known as a loose cannon. Jelle fought alongside Gohn and Rob during the Kuon Wars but betrayed them soon after that war. This wouldn't be his last betrayal. Because of Jelle's many betrayals and his unpredictability he got the nickname traitor king. Jelle led Dale in many  wars often creating a third side that fought completely on his own. One time helping one side the other time helping the otherside. 

After a while of being a faction with only a few members, Dale has now become one of the most active factions on the server and is still growing...

The reign of KingRuairi

As more people began joining Dale the more attention it received. Mordor noticed Dale and wanted to take its territories. Mordor declared war and Dale joined an alliance with Norsca and Durin's Folk. The Dalish lands were succesfully defended but during the war with Mordor some Dalish members began to show off toxic behavior which often angered their leader KingRuairi. This toxicity became one of the reasons that the Coalition joined the war against Dale resulting in an even bigger more toxic war. Mordor eventually switched to Dale's side while Durin's Folk became neutral. Dale became the most active faction ever with 27 active members in the faction. During the war a faction overtake was declared upon Dale. Dale was defeated through a loophole, and the throne was taken. In the end the Coalition laid down their arms but Dale was still empty. Ruairi and his most loyal followers rejoined but he had lost interest in holding such a large faction again. Dale continued to be a faction involved in server politics with notable members, Thorlak1776, UltraSheep, and Diivad remaining under Ruairi's rule.

Faction leaders

Notable members
