Guilds and Organisations


Mountains of the Wind

After the custom factions were removed, the Mountains of the Wind continued. Read up on the lore on the old faction page here.

Notable members;

  • WhiteDireWolf

  • NY_Gandalf_Grey


Utumno Expedition Guild

Didn't want to give info and asked me to leave :(

Notable members;

  • RaynoKun

  • KaiserKraft

  • hydro

  • Zhawn_YT

Northern Mercenary Company

The Northern Mercenary Company is a group of people that clear bounties on other players, are for hire for sieges and battles and they escort people into Utumno. They do this all for some money. Yiannis started this company when he was part of the Dúnedain in February 2020. The Company is technically part of the Dúnedain but not all the members have to be Dúnedain members.

Notable members;

  • Yiannis123

  • icefire47

WTC (Wolf Trade Center)

This guild was founded in the Angle as a reaction to the merchants guild. As one of the older and richer players, WhiteDireWolf already did a lot of the services of the merchants guild for free or for a small amount of gold. The WTC itself never really succeeded and died a few days after it was founded. It still exists but the concept changed a little bit. Players that Wolf trusts can use his merchants and grinders for free. The only rules are that they don’t kill each other in the area of the WTC and that they try to contribute if they can.

Notable members;

  • WhiteDireWolf

Miners Guild

During the conquest of the Orocarni, there was a high demand for stone and other building blocks. ChildOfThorn saw this as a perfect opportunity to make some profit and created a guild for this occasion.

Notable members;

  • ChildOfThorin

MOE (Marketplace of Empires)

"Have you ever wanted a safe environment for trading with other players? Well, now you can! I have just recently started Marketplace of Empires (MOE). In this place, I offer a safe place for trading no scamming, no trolling, no pvp, etc. There will be 3 different types of people that you might encounter at the marketplace. 1 the consumer. The consumer is the person that is at the marketplace to buy items or products from other players. The 2nd person you might meet there is the seller. The seller owns a shop at the marketplace which is the size of a silver block. Sellers get the opportunity to sell whatever they want for coins or other types of products. Sellers can also customize their shop to fit their needs. The 3rd person you might meet there is a verified, or trusted seller. These sellers will be marked with a stamp of trust on their plots by me. If you are interested in becoming a seller message me and we can discuss prices for shop plots. Right now, we have 3 shop plots available and do know these are the best shop plots that you will want because they are near the waypoint for the marketplace. If you are a buyer and want a waypoint to the market, please message me. Do note that this is a WIP and things might change in the future. The market will officially open to buyers when I see we have enough sellers ready to sell." -Zhawn_YT (#timeline) 31/3/2020

"It was a very big success from that start since people knew me as a businessman, but now MOE is getting close to its death because I have moved on and started a new path with the Architects Company." -Zhawn 22/6/2020

Notable members;

  • Zhawn_YT

Merchants Guild

This guild was founded by ThePaulCreenis and TommyWombo for trade. Before the guild was created players gave things away for free or asked for a random amount of money for them. When the merchants guild came they started giving a lot of services and items for a reasonable amount of money which changed the way of trading on the server. The Guild, innovative as it was, has been the victim of many players with bad intentions as it functioned through trust. During its creation players were given access to trader-halls and the only way this system worked was if you trusted the player you gave access.

Notable members;

  • ThePaulCreenis

  • TommyWombo

  • John_Snow13

  • Zhawn_YT

Weapons Guild

A neat cheap shop for maxed weapons. Thorlak started the shop to standardize the Weapon Industry and rid the server of awful scams.

The shop;

  • Sells almost all maxed weapons in the game

  • Is open to all customers

  • Has an anti-scam system

  • Offers free smithing services to customers

  • Has an elaborate incentive program, hiring people to bring in customers

  • Offers the role of Master Smith to accomplished experts who will have free access to my materials, provided they give 50% of profits to the Guild

Notable members;

  • Thorlak1776

Architect's Company (AC)

"For some time now I have been wanting to put together a team of builders, good and bad. I would like for the server to start to get more lore builds on it. This was the main goal of the Architects Company (AC). It was first an idea of ChromaArchitect, EATMOREWEED, and me to put together. I have slowly been building it up over the past 2 weeks and now we are publicly launching. We are basically a place where builders can come together and build some amazing things, on this server or off. Come for feedback on builds, and even help on builds if you want. We also have a build team that you can ask to be part of and I will interview you. We have many upcoming projects so be sure to check those out as well, and if you want to help ask me or a moderator for info on how to help. Always remember, even though you might not be good at building, that does not mean you cannot add something useful to a build to make it look better. With a group of people, you will find yourself in a better spot than alone in my opinion. Here is the discord server invite:" -Zhawn_YT (#timeline) 14/6/2020

Notable members;

  • Zhawn_YT

  • ChromaArchitect