The Age of Discovery

In the first age or the age of discovery the server just started up. The veteran players we have today were all noobs themselves and had the privilege to discover the world for the first time. Most important events during this age have to do with setting the server up itself and are written down by Rob in chronological order. 

26 October 2016 - RobRem58 creates a private server to play the LOTR Mod with awesome_ollie123. After re-enacting the Fellowship of the Ring's journey until they reach the woods of Lothlorien, they stop playing on the server.

Spring 2017 - RobRem58 and awesome_ollie123 resume their journey from Lothlorien.

Late May 2017 - Yiannis123 is invited on the server, which is whitelisted and still run on RobRem58's computer.

30 May 2017 - RobRem58 posts the details of the server and how to join on his Enjin wall while Yiannis123 advertises on an unnamed server, a few new players join the server.

2nd June 2017 - The server gets a text IP address;

11th June 2017 - RobRem58 creates an Enjin website for the server and a Google-sites download-page.

19th June 2017 - A player called August_Heart joins the server.

24th June 2017 - Yiannis123, awesome_ollie123 and RobRem58 are online when Yiannis123 receives notificiations in his chat informing him that his hired units are being killed by August_Heart. Yiannis123 fast-travels to his units and eliminates August_Heart. August_Heart uses the /back command, which still existed at the time, to return after which he repeatedly gets eliminated. RobRem58 and Yiannis123 get annoyed. August_Heart insults the server and leaves, never to return.

30th June 2017 - The first event, the "Trial Battle Event", takes place and a video is uploaded on  the newly created LOTR Survival YouTube channel. 

21st July 2017 - RobRem58 requests donations to rent a real server.

23rd July 2017 - RachinG / Grungus_Kungus gives the first donation, the server gets online 24/7.

24th July 2017 - A player called Hakon suggests to create a Discord Server, shortly after it is created and he is allowed to set up the server.

25th July 2017 - A bug forces people to spawn in the Void; the server shuts down untill the issue is solved.

29th July 2017 - The bug is solved and the server opens again; WhiteDireWolf joins the Staff-Team, containing RobRem58 and awesome_ollie123, as Moderator.

30th July 2017 - GiacomoS / Lord_GiacomoS creates a Technic Launcher Mod-pack for the server.

31st July 2017 - The Faction Update is released; players can now, if they meet the requirements, claim a faction and rule it.

After this series of events the server will keep growing, players discover how the Mod works and they try to get to the top of the foodchain.