
Writers Wanted

Writers are needed who are uncomfortable with the word "God" in the CoDA literature. The CoDA International Literature committee is creating a new booklet. The target audience is CoDA members struggling with spirituality while working the program and sponsors helping sponsees who have experienced spiritual trauma or religious abuse. If you have limited or no experience with a spiritual connection, we invite you to share your experience of working CoDA's Twelve Steps. For more information, and to submit your 100-500 word story, please email // 3.24.24

Fellowship Service Manual

The 2023 Fellowship Service Manual (FSM) is now available:

Two years ago, the Service Structure Committee requested to disband at the 2022 CoDA Service Conference (CSC). They had been responsible for Fellowship Service Manual updates. Since then, the CoDA Board has been tasked with this role. CoDA International has a Fellowship Service Worker doing the work of the former committee, and the Board proofs and approves all changes/updates that are a result of motions passed during the previous CSC. CoDA International ( thanks you for your patience and support as they continue to develop their process. // 3.26.24

Best to you all,
The International CoDA Board of Trustees


Los Angeles CoDA had a Slideshow Potluck on Sat Feb 10th. If you still want to see the slideshow, click slideshow. It's about votes that happened at the world CoDA business meeting (CSC) summer 2023 and a vote that's coming this summer 2024. 

Some of the topics include: Using CoDA-endorsed Literature, the addition of a CoDA Teen program, new CoDA literature: Working Steps 4 & 5, Reparenting Our Inner Child, Revised Green Book, Updating the Fellowship Service Manual

No matter how long you’ve been in program, you have an equal voice and vote, at the local meeting level all the way up to the international level. Sharing your gut feelings and experience can help make CoDA a safer place. No pressure to do so if it’s not Higher-Power led or if it depletes you. But if it resonates, look for the SoCal CoDA survey sent out each summer where we can share our votes about decisions being made about CoDA or email your delegates.

To ask questions of your SoCal delegates, (the people who carry our L.A. votes to the World CoDA business meeting) write to: &