

Pamphlets can be downloaded for free below or by clicking FREE DOWNLOADS 


We have literature for sale in-person Saturday, Dec 14th 11 am - 11:30 am in Mar Vista after the intergroup meeting. Cash only. For more info, click here.

Some in-person meetings also sell literature. Contact individual meetings to inquire. Meetings


To order books and other literature online, click the button below

Info about CoDA literature content to print for your meeting:  

CoDA Literature Descriptions

A tent card with prices for your literature table:

LA CoDA Literature Prices Tent Card


Codependents Anonymous, Book

Codependents Anonymous Pocket Edition, Book

12 Steps and 12 Traditions, Workbook

In This Moment Daily Meditation, Book


Peeling the Onion, Booklet

Tools for Recovery, Booklet

Common Threads of Codependency, Booklet

Making Choices, Booklet 

Carrying the Message, Booklet 

Building CoDA Community: Healthy Meetings Matter, Booklet

12 Piece Relationship Toolkit, Booklet

Traditionally Speaking: Finding Solutions, Booklet 


Newcomers Handbook, Handbook

Sponsorship: What's In It For Me?, Handbook

12 Step Handbook, Handbook

Experiences with Crosstalk, Handbook


What is CoDA?, Pamphlet, click link to read*

Am I Codependent?, Pamphlet, click link to read*

Welcome to Codependents Anonymous, Pamphlet, click link to read* 

Attending Meetings, Pamphlet, click link to read*

Communication and Recovery, Pamphlet, click link to read*

Establishing Boundaries, Pamphlet, click link to read*

Using the 12 Traditions, Pamphlet

Your First Meeting, Pamphlet, click link to read*

Information for Professionals, Pamphlet, click link to read*

*These pamphlets are available from CoRe. They are provided here for one per person; for a teacher/counselor, copies for each of their clients. 

For meetings, copies can be made for handouts to newcomers, one per newcomer, but please note when printing in any quantity, they are less expensive to purchase through CoRe ( or from the LA CoDA Literature Committee.  

All items are copyrighted, and no changes may be made to the content.


Affirmations Booklet


CoDA Prayers

CoDA Institutional Meeting Handbook

Fellowship Services Manual


Monthly Chips

Yearly Medallions


Speaker CDs

Group Service Representatives (GSRs) can restock on updated Meeting Lists and "Recovery from Codependency" pamphlets at the monthly LA CoDA Intergroup meeting at no charge.

It works if you work it, and you're worth it.