Everything needed to have a meeting + Meeting Service

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Group Conscience/ Business Meetings

Some groups hold monthly group conscience or business meetings to decide what literature to buy, make script changes, etc. Some have group conscience meetings only when motions are made. Hearing upcoming motions in advance can allow members time to meditate and seek guidance from their Higher power. Group conscience meetings use the group conscience process where every member has a voice and a vote, regardless of time in program or service position, to honor Tradition 2. Meetings can create their own format. See examples below.

7th Tradition Disbursement

LA CoDA suggests distributing monies above the prudent reserve in the following way: 50% to LA CoDA (our Intergroup), 20% to SoCal (our Voting Entity), and 30% to CoDA, Inc. (World). A prudent reserve is often 2-3 months of the group's expenses. Groups usually send disbursements on a monthly or quarterly basis, after rent and all other expenses are paid. For more info and a record of donations received by the LA CoDA Treasurer:

Group Conscious

Group Conscious, or GC, means the collective conscience of the group. When a change in the meeting is requested, the group comes to substantial unanimity before definitive action is taken.

"This is achieved by the group members through the sharing of full information, individual points of view, and the practice of CoDA’s principles. A group conscience... is a simple majority."

Group Conscious Process

To start a GC, a member makes a motion, often in writing to the Secretary, sometimes in the moment aloud to the group. Each group decides their own process, but "anyone may ask for a group conscience at any time during a CoDA meeting, if and when immediate attention is needed to ensure the safety of an individual or the group, or to uphold the CoDA Traditions." -p.20 of the Fellowship Service Manual.

Group Conscience Log

Tracks past and current motions, usually kept in the secretary’s binder. It is often available for any member to reference the meeting’s group consciences, to keep the meeting and its trusted servants accountable, and to free the meeting from dependence upon the memory of one or two oldtimers. See examples below.

Service Position Descriptions

Meetings use the group conscience process to decide which service positions to have and the duties of each position. One meeting's service position descriptions using CoDA World suggestions for position lengths:

No-Crosstalk Guidelines

Each meeting defines crosstalk for themselves through the group conscience process. The linked document serves as an example of how one meeting defines crosstalk. Any member can call cross talk by saying, "Crosstalk- this is a gentle reminder to return to "I" statements." CoDA literature including Experiences with Crosstalk and the Newcomers Handbook (“right of every member” quote on p.19) can be helpful.

For Safety’s Sake

Tent card to display and/or read during the meeting that provides a reminder of the no-crosstalk rule.

Meeting Changes

Want to change your meeting’s info on the website or meeting list pamphlet? To change your meeting’s contact person, info, time, etc...

Please email at and at with your meeting number and the change. Your meeting number can be found on your meeting page on under Meetings. Changes sent to are not relayed to and vice versa.

The 12 Service Concepts

These can provide safety in service. "Before engaging in outreach or other service: Please review CoDA’s Twelve Service Concepts, which guide our service work as a fellowship."

Group Inventory

Can be helpful for identifying areas for improvement or for checking in. Best done in small chunks, for example: 5 questions in 30 minutes after the meeting every other week or 2 questions in 10 minutes before the meeting every week. More info in the back of the green book and the Healthy Meetings Matter handbook.

Fellowship Service Manual

A collection of guidelines for spirituality in service work through the 12 Traditions, CoDA's service structure, and how to start and conduct a CoDA meeting.

CoDA Service Structure

The link and doc below provide info on CoDA's inverted pyramid structure:

Meeting Formats

These are only suggestions. Each meeting decides their own format via group conscience. Examples:

Meeting Format Clauses

Some groups choose to add an Anonymity, Autonomy, 13th Step, or other clauses to their script for safety. These are only suggestions. Each meeting decides their own script format via group conscience.

More examples to come

Speakers List

Interested in being a speaker or having one at your meeting? Speakers need to have 6 months in program. There is a contact list of willing speakers. To join the list or get a copy, email The Call for Speakers page lists meetings at detox centers that invite speakers. To keep this info in your meeting binder, print:

How to Order Literature

The pdf below shares how the meeting's Literature Person can order literature. It can be printed for the meeting binder. The info is also available on the:

Free Recovery Pamphlet

This pamphlet includes readings shared at every CoDA meeting. Can be handed out for free at meetings. Group Service Representatives can replenish free copies at the monthly L.A. Intergroup meeting.

These optional documents can be printed for your meeting's binder:

More meeting materials can be found on the CoDA International website