Welcome Group Service Representatives (GSRs)! We hope the resources below assist you. Thank you for your service.


If you'd like to print these for your meeting's binder, make a motion at your meeting asking the group for funds to print, and if it passes via group conscience, print, then bring them receipts for reimbursement.

What exactly is a GSR?

"The link between the CoDA group and CoDA as a whole. Ideally, a Group Service Representative (GSR) is an established member of the group, with experience, knowledge, and understanding of CoDA’s Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions..." (CoDA Meeting Handbook, pg. 19)

The role of a GSR:

  • bring LA CoDA news and motions to your meeting and bring your meeting's input to LA CoDA

  • pick up free copies of meeting lists, newcomer pamphlets and event flyers

  • pick up literature orders for your meeting

  • get support with meeting issues during open discussion

Service Position Length

Each meeting is autonomous in deciding the requirements and length of service for their GSR, but CoDA, Inc. suggests electing a meeting's Group Service Representative to a 2-year term. It often takes time for a GSR to learn the inner workings of Intergroup.

Personal Recovery

Personal recovery also takes time. Service at the intergroup level can sometimes be triggering. LA CoDA recommends the support of a sponsor and the insights gained through working the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. Developing a strong foundation for our individual recoveries can allow us to give service from a place of joy and gratitude.