CoDA Service Conference & International CoDA Convention 2022

Each year CoDA conducts a World Wide business meeting, also known as the CoDA Service Conference (CSC). This year the conference will be held Face to Face in Rapid City, South Dakota and as a Zoom Virtual Meeting (Hybrid) from Monday, August 22 - Thursday, August 25, 2022 .

The second half of the event is the International CoDA Convention (ICC) from Friday, August 26th- Sunday, August 28th. This event will have speakers and workshops.

What is being voted on at CSC?

During the first half of the event, the business conference, representatives from different areas will vote on CoDA topics that have been brought up this year. All members get to read the topics ahead of time and let their reps know how they want them to vote via THIS SURVEY.

If you'd like to share your voice, it is welcome in these decisions. The outcome of the votes will affect CoDA worldwide.

To view the full motions, scroll down to the Motions section or click:

How do I vote? Via this survey

Representatives from Southern California take our votes to the CSC. They've made an online survey to receive your votes.

"As your delegates (Linnea M., Sharon A, and Vanessa CF), we would like to represent your preferences, so we are inviting you to complete the survey below, which contains the summary of the motions to be discussed and presented during the conference.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email us at We are grateful for your service and for allowing us to represent your votes as the Southern California Voting Entity!"

-Your Southern California CoDA Delegates

Our Southern California (SoCal) delegates will deliver our majority vote as part of the international group conscience. If you'd like, please use the new few weeks to slowly read through the motions being voted on.

One way to be sure to receive the survey each year is to join the LA CoDA mailing list as we will email it out when we receive it. To join, click here.

SoCal CoDA is made up of Los Angeles, The Desert, The Valley, San Diego, Orange County, Santa Barbara, Mountain, Inland Empire, CoDA Hispana and surrounding area CoDA communities. If you're in an area other than Southern California, ask your local intergroup, community, or voting entity how to share your vote.

More info at

Your Voice Matters

Making business meeting motions and voting can be a way to practice using recovery tools, some of which may include:

  • equality

  • worthiness

  • being clear and direct

  • asking

  • clarity about our wants and needs

  • sharing feelings

  • having the "courage to change the things we can"

  • feeling safe being a dissenting voice

  • trust

  • motion = movement = action = can be a form of contrary action

  • finding connection with a loving Higher Power through the group conscience process

Who can attend CSC?

"Anyone that would like to observe the CSC process is welcome... [The only people who get to speak are Delegates and Board members.] A delegate is an individual in the fellowship who is elected by their Voting Entity to represent its wishes at the CSC." - from CoDA World, More info on's Delegate page here

What is a Voting Entity?

A Voting Entity is a group of members who represent CoDA in an area of the country or world. Ours is Southern California CoDA. Motions presented by a Voting Entity are called Voting Entity Issues. For the future, if you'd ever like to make a motion at the world level, here are the Guidelines For Presenting Motions to CSC via your Voting Entity.


CoDA members are welcome to observe the conference for free, but must register by Aug 21st for CSC. Those attending the International CoDA Convention, the event with speakers and workshops that follows CSC, can register at any time using the same link.

2022 Motions

Below are about 30 of the motions and voting entity issues being voted on this year. We will continue to add more to the site as we can. If there are only a few that speak to you, feel free to skip to what resonates. To download the full motions now in a zip file, click here and scroll to "Motions Zip File"



Motion made by CoDA International Communications Committee

Assigned Number: 1

Motion or VE Issue Name: Replace Social Media policy

Motion/Issue: CoDA (Codependents Anonymous) GUIDELINES FOR ANONYMITY IN SOCIAL MEDIA

NOTE: The following Guidelines were originally approved for Fellowship use at the 2015 CoDA Service Conference (CSC). There was an updated version approved by CSC in 2021. This rewrite is presented to CSC 2022.

PURPOSE: Many members of the CoDA fellowship have expressed a desire to better understand issues around anonymity and social media. The guidelines, which were approved at the 2015 CSC, adjusted at 2021 CSC, and (if this passes) rewritten at 2022 CSC, are an interpretation by CoDA membership regarding how the concept of anonymity can be applied to social media.

TRADITION ELEVEN: “Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, films, television and all other forms of public communication.”

This tradition guides CoDA’s interactions outside of the fellowship. Utilizing anonymity policy for virtual meetings, workshops, retreats, face-to-face meetings, conventions, recovery videos, or audios (endorsed by the CoDA Service Conference, July 2021): Tradition Eleven speaks to members of CoDA maintaining anonymity when representing CoDA to outside entities and does not speak of recovery meetings, literature, virtual meetings, traditional face-to-face meetings, recovery conventions and recovery videos and audios. Tradition Eleven does not forbid individuals from participating in recovery online. Sharing our faces and names in face-to-face recovery and business meetings does not violate Tradition Eleven; neither does the same behavior on social media violate Tradition Eleven.

Recording of video or audio during CoDA meetings violates the Traditions.

The use of personal video and audio is a choice of each participant within a CoDA meeting.

TRADITION TWELVE: “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.”

This tradition guides us in our interactions within the fellowship of CoDA. We are all equals. This Tradition supports the concept of principles before personalities. This includes doing service because of the gifts of recovery a member has received rather than recognition. It supports members not using titles like doctor, therapist, pastor, etc. We acknowledge we are all equal, here for the same purpose. The anonymity in Tradition Twelve allows us to let go of titles and jobs; what we do is not who we are. We can be comfortable with who we really are, rather than an identity tied to what we do.

Coming full circle to Tradition One. Tradition One speaks of our common welfare coming first, since personal recovery depends upon CoDA Unity. Reaching the codependent who still suffers is stated in Tradition 5 as being each group’s primary purpose; we release personalities, tying intoTradition Two. Tradition Two states that a loving Higher Power is the ultimate authority; leaders do not govern. We work hard to not let any personality affect us, to let it go, and to find serenity.


Utilizing social media for CoDA Members and/or Groups: The guiding principle is to honor our own anonymity (Tradition 11) as the spiritual foundation of our program. It is not in conflict with our Traditions to use our name (including last name if we choose) or our image. This means being on a Zoom meeting with our faces or full names showing is not mandatory but is acceptable. Each of us is on our own journey of recovery, and we each have a choice on these matters.

If there is a CoDA meeting on Facebook, it is also a choice to participate. Any CoDA meeting (unless listed as closed) is open to anyone seeking recovery from codependency; we have no need to verify their purpose for attending.

It is everyone's choice on the way their name and other information is available to others. No one is required to list their email or phone number; it is a wonderful way to contact others when we are struggling, but it is a choice. Utilizing social media as a Venue for Fellowship: Members often ask if social media (like Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat) can be used as a venue for fellowship. When a group or an individual decides to reach out to other members through social media, such groups may utilize terms such as “codependents in recovery” or “Friends of…”

Utilizing social media for CoDA Business: In the CoDA Fellowship Service Manual (FSM), in the section on Social Networking Sites, it is stated “Because there are concerns about anonymity and privacy on social networking sites no CoDA literature or CoDA business should be posted or discussed on any site that is open to the public. If anyone chooses to discuss CoDA literature or CoDA business on a private recovery site, one should limit literature posting to small excerpts to protect copyrights and use discretion when discussing CoDA business.” Online meetings may opt to utilize secure forums for business.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

This motion clarifies that we each have a choice about how we personally deal with anonymity and that Tradition Twelve is in support of principles before personalities.


For more information on both Tradition Eleven and Twelve, please refer to “The Twelve Piece Relationship Toolkit” and “Traditionally Speaking”

This motion or VEI requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

____ By Laws ___ FSM P1 __x_ FSM P2

___ FSM P3 ___ FSM P4 ___ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

__x__ Other: ____replace current on website:_________

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

VEI Result – Assigned to __________________ on _________ (date)


Motion made by the CoDA International Communications Committee

Date: 5/10/2021

Assigned Number: 2

Motion or VE Issue Name: Update Mission Statement in FSM

Motion/Issue: The Communication Committee moves to replace the committee description in the Fellowship Service Manual (FSM), Section 5, with this:

The Communication Committee (Comm) aids The Fellowship through the Fellowship Forum, email and phone. Email and calls come into the committee through and the 888 phoneline (888.444.2359). Comm provides: meeting information, assists members with their search for sponsors, and information to those wishing to start a meeting.


Currently in FSM, Leave this below:

Communications Committee

Background: A Communications Task Force was created at the 2007 CSC to address the goal of improving communication within CoDA, both up and down the inverted pyramid. The following year was spent in recruiting people to participate in the effort and in gathering specific issues to be addressed. Starting in early 2009, the task force members began to have regular conference calls and work began in earnest on several of the identified issues. As a result of this work, the 2009 CSC voted to make the Communication Task Force a standing committee to continue to address identified communication issues as they surface.

Description of committee responsibilities:

Current in FSM Delete all this below:

  • Focus on improving communications up and down the inverted pyramid within the World CoDA Fellowship

  • Work towards ensuring that every codependent throughout the world will have access to all the CoDA information that is important to them

  • Work towards ensuring that all people within the World CoDA Fellowship have a better understanding of what is involved in making the Fellowship work

  • Provide a mechanism for two-way communication with codependents in distant or isolated locations, particularly those without active communities or voting entities to support them

  • Address those areas of communication not currently handled by the Outreach Committee

  • Has responsibilities regarding the “General Announcements” (CoDA Announcements) email list.

Add this:

The Communication Committee (Comm) aids The Fellowship through the Fellowship Forum, email and phone. Email and calls come into the committee through and the 888 phoneline (888.444.2359). Comm provides: meeting information, assists members with their search for sponsors, and information to those wishing to start a meeting.

Leave this below:

In addition to attending to the responsibilities listed above, the Communications Committee provides administrative support to the CoDA Email Team and the CoDA Phone Team, such as communications with the board or CoDA contract workers, reporting to the Fellowship quarterly (QSR) and annually at the CoDA Service Conference (CSC) and other matters helpful to their missions.

Intent, background, other pertinent information: The old information in the FSM was no longer accurate. This corrects that.


This motion or VEI requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

____ By Laws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ___x_ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

____ Other:

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

VEI Result – Assigned to __________________ on _________ (date)



Motion made by CoDA International Hospitals & Institutions Committee

Assigned Number: 1

Motion or VE Issue Name: Revised Mission Statement

Motion: To update the Hospitals & Institutions Committee Mission Statement in the Fellowship Service Manual with the following:

(blue text is what the motion is proposing to add)

The purpose of the Hospital and Institutions Committee (H&I) is to carry the message of CoDA to codependents and the professionals who serve them in medical, penal, educational, and social services institutions. This includes hospitals, prisons, jails, rehabilitation centers, shelters, schools, and the libraries that serve these institutions. It is this committee’s goal to act as a resource supporting trusted servants in local meetings, intergroups, Voting Entities, etc. while carrying the message of Co-Dependents Anonymous.


Old FSM reads:

(strike through would be cut in new version)

The purpose of the Hospital and Institutions Committee (H&I) is to carry the message of CoDA to codependents through medical, penal, educational, and social services institutions. This includes hospitals, prisons, jails, rehabilitation centers, schools, and the libraries that serve these institutions. It is this committee’s goal to act as a resource and support to the local H&I trusted servants.

Intent, background, and other pertinent information:

To update our Policies & Procedures to reflect our current Goals and Intentions of assisting the trusted servant to share Experience, Strength, & Hope to codependents in Institutions where they cannot have meetings outside the institution. We offer literature and support to the codependent in institutions.

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws __X_ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 __X_ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

____ Other: __________________________________________________

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

Please email to

(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to



Motion made by CoDA Board

Submitted Date: June 8, 2022

Motion Number: 1

Motion Name: Remove “Community Service Group” term in Fellowship Service Manual (FSM)


Replace the words/term "community service group" with “Intergroup, Region or Voting Entity (VE)” wherever it may be in the current Fellowship Service Manual (FSM) and on any of our websites, (and it makes better sense), including the following:

Page 5 & 6 of Part 2 of the Fellowship Service Manual (FSM):

As Tradition Four states, (“each group should remain autonomous, except in matters affecting other groups or CoDA as a whole”), it is important that a CoDA meeting present familiar aspects that communicate, “This is CoDA.” While it is rare, some meetings have chosen to adopt a format that varies significantly from CoDA guidelines. This presents confusion, particularly to the newcomer, regarding the nature of our program. If the community service group Intergroup, Region or Voting Entity (VE) feels it necessary, a meeting may be informed specifically how it does not appear to be following the unifying principles of CoDA Traditions. If the meeting decides, by group conscience, not to change, they need to understand that they may no longer be recognized as, nor call themselves, a CoDA meeting and will be removed from Intergroup’s, and CoDA listings.

The community service group Intergroup, Region or Voting Entity (VE) can, by group conscience decision, remove a meeting from their meeting list if it is determined that that meeting is not following the principles of CoDA and does not choose to change. They can recommend that the meeting be removed from their local meeting list and CoDA World meeting list. The CoDA Board may decide by group conscience whether or not to remove that meeting from the CoDA meeting list.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

Our Spanish Outreach Committee (SPO) brought this matter to the Board’s attention when they were translating the current FSM. We agree with them that the term “Community Service Group” can be very confusing.

Also, we felt it prudent to clean up and simplify the existing wording.


Currently: CoDA Fellowship Service Manual Part 2 Page 5 Last Revision: 2021-10-30

Page 5 & 6 of Part 2 of the Fellowship Service Manual (FSM): substitute the term “Intergroup” for “Community Service Group”:

As Tradition Four states, (“each group should remain autonomous, except in matters affecting other groups or CoDA as a whole”), it is important that a CoDA meeting present familiar aspects that communicate, “This is CoDA.” While it is rare, some meetings have chosen to adopt a format that varies significantly from CoDA guidelines. This presents confusion, particularly to the newcomer, regarding the nature of our program. If a community service group feels it necessary, a meeting may be informed specifically how it does not appear to be following the unifying principles of CoDA Tradition. If the meeting decides, by group conscience, not to change, they need to understand that they may no longer be recognized as, nor call themselves, a CoDA meeting and will be removed from Intergroups, and CoDA listings.

The community service group can, by group conscience decision, remove a meeting from their meeting list if it is determined that that meeting is not following the principles of CoDA and does not choose to change. The community service group can then recommend that the meeting be removed from the Intergroup meeting lists. The Intergroup can decide by group conscience whether or not to remove that meeting from their meeting list. If the Intergroup or regional assembly decides to remove that meeting from their list, they can recommend to the CoDA Board of Trustees that that meeting be removed from the Co-Dependents Anonymous World meeting list.

The Board may decide by group conscience whether or not to remove that meeting from the CoDA meeting list.

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ____ FSM P1 __X FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

___X_ Other: Websites

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

Please email to

(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to


Motion made by CoDA Board

Submitted Date: June 8, 2022

Motion Number: 2

Motion Name: Board Actions Taken on Motions that Do Not Attain 2/3 Majority at CSC

Motion: For motions that do not attain a 2/3 majority at CoDA Service Conference (CSC), and are thus not binding on the Board, the CoDA Board will:

1) Review such motions within 60 days of the close of CSC.

2) Make a determination on whether the Board agrees to be bound by the motion.

3) Communicate that determination to the Fellowship and the reasoning for the determination via CoDA Fellowship email announcement.

4) Document that determination in the Motions Database as a new attachment to the motion in question.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

To create/clarify the post CSC process.


Currently in FSM:

FSM Part 4, Section 4, pages 16-17 states:

Simple vs. two-thirds (⅔) majority A motion passes if it is accepted by a simple majority of the total number of Voting Members present. If it passes by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total number of Voting Members present, it is binding upon the Trustees, except to the extent the implementation of such a motion would cause the Trustees to be in violation of the Board of Trustees’ legal responsibilities to the Corporation and its members or would put the fiscal integrity of the Corporation at risk. A simple majority is not binding on the Board of Trustees, although they may agree to be bound by the vote.

NOTE: This section does not explain the actual steps taken by the Board to determine if a motion is binding on the Board and how the determination is communicated to the Fellowship.

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 __x_ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

____ Other: __________________________________________________

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

Please email to

(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to


Motion made by CoDA Board

Submitted Date: June 8, 2022

Motion Number: 3

Motion Name: Gender Inclusive Language.

Motion: CoDA Inc. will use gender-inclusive language, replacing

all heteronormative language that excludes gender identities. This

pertains to, though is not limited to: CoDA Inc. literature, documents, web site, media, and any future publications, whether by CoDA Resource Publishing, Inc (CoRe) or any other publisher.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

This is the 2021 Canada Steering committee VEI that was not submitted in time for 2021 CSC consideration.

Using gender-inclusive language means speaking and writing in a way that does not discriminate against a particular sex, social gender or gender identity, and does not perpetuate gender stereotypes.

Ref. United Nations link:

Additional comments from 2021 submission from Canada:

Tradition Three: The only requirement for membership in CoDA is a desire for healthy and loving relationships.

The use of heteronormative language excludes the diversity of gender

identities. This diversity includes, though is not limited to, those seeking recovery who are agender, non-binary, intersex, transgender, genderfluid, in the process of transitioning from one gender to another or whose gender identity is outside of a traditional gender binary. We want recovery to be available to all who seek it. This change will help support more codependents who still suffer by removing the barrier of exclusive language.

Remarks: This includes documents that contain a limited gender binary e.g. in the Preamble which states, “CoDA is a fellowship of men and women…”

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

__X Bylaws __X FSM P1 __X FSM P2

__X FSM P3 __X FSM P4 __X FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

__X_ Other: literature, documents, web site, media eg. Youtube______

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________


Motion made by CoDA International Board

Submitted Date: June 8, 2022

Motion Number: 4

Motion Name: FSM Update: Procedures for Submitting CSC Items

Motion: Update FSM: CoDA Fellowship Service Manual Part 4 Page 10

Procedures for Submitting CSC Items:

To ensure that Voting Entities have an opportunity to review all CSC submissions prior to CSC:

· All Motions will be emailed to no later than 75 days before the start of conference with revisions allowed for up to 60 days before the start of conference.

· As defined by our Bylaws, any Bylaw changes must be submitted to the Board Secretary in electronic form no later than 75 days before the start of conference.

· The Bylaw and other motions will be posted on the website and email notification of their availability will occur no later than 70 days prior to the start of the CSC.

· All reports, goals and budgets must be emailed 30 days before the start of the conference. All reports and goals will be emailed to All budgets will be emailed to no later than 30 days before the start of conference.

· All items submitted will clearly indicate which category they belong to (see list in next bullet)

· All items submitted will be included as Conference documents in the Delegate Package with an indication of which of the following categories they belong to:

o Bylaw changes

o Motions submitted on time

o Motions not submitted on time

o Reports

o Goals

o Budgets

· It is the responsibility of the VE delegate(s) to track and obtain all changes posted to the delegate webpage. Delegates are encouraged to share available information with their voting entity/intergroup/meetings and offer feedback before the 60 day motion revision cut off. Revisions are common during this period so it is imperative to keep track of revised motions. Hard copy of the delegate packages will not be available at the CSC.

· Voting Entity Motions will be posted on the website.

· Emails will be sent to registered delegates, previous delegates and community/VE/orphan meeting contacts, as well as to all currently receiving email blasts, notifying of postings as they occur

· Voting at conference will follow these rules:

0 Motions submitted on time may be voted on at the current CSC following the normal rules

o Motions submitted after the cutoff date may still be brought to the floor by CSC vote; otherwise, vote is postponed until the following year. Late motions are typically dealt with during New Business although the CSC may vote to address a particular motion at another time. This is 5 days after the 75 days prior to the start of CSC when the above Bylaw and other motions are due.

Guidelines for Presenting Voting Entity Issues as a Motion to CSC

1. Voting Entity (VE) discusses an issue and writes a Motion to resolve the issue by using the group conscience process. This issue and recommendation is called a Voting Entity Motion. It is recommended that if assistance is desired, the VE request it from the Board or any of the CoDA Standing Committees, well in advance of the motion deadline.

2. The VE drafts the Motion, on the form posted on delegate page.

3. The Board or a CoDA Standing Committee may also offer assistance or provide guidance to the VE in drafting/revising and/or presenting the motion.

4. The VE motion may not dishonor or be in conflict with any Bylaws, Steps, Traditions or legal considerations.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

Removing previous term of Voting Entity Issue and cleaning up the wording.

See BLUE lettering for where the changes took place.

Please ignore any formatting issues in this motion. These will be corrected when changes are completed in the FSM.


Currently in the FSM: CoDA Fellowship Service Manual Part 4 Page 10

Procedures for Submitting CSC Items:

To ensure that Voting Entities have an opportunity to review all CSC submissions prior to CSC:

· All Motions will be emailed to no later than 75 days before the start of conference with revisions allowed for up to 60 days before the start of conference.

· As defined by our Bylaws, any Bylaw changes must be submitted to the Board Secretary in electronic form no later than 75 days before the start of conference.

· The Bylaw and other motions will be posted on the website and email notification of their availability will occur no later than 70 days prior to the start of the CSC.

· All reports, goals and budgets must be emailed 30 days before the start of the conference. All reports and goals will be emailed to All budgets will be emailed to no later than 30 days before the start of conference.

· All items submitted will clearly indicate which category they belong to (see list in next bullet)

· All items submitted will be included as Conference documents in the Delegate Package with an indication of which of the following categories they belong to: o Bylawchanges

o Motions submitted on time

o Motions not submitted on time

o Reports o Goals

o VEissues o Budgets

It is the responsibility of the VE delegate(s) to track and obtain all changes posted to the delegate webpage. Delegates are encouraged to share available information with their voting entity/intergroup/meetings and offer feedback before the 60 day motion revision cut off. Revisions are common during this period so it is imperative to keep track of revised motions. Hard copy of the delegate packages will not be available at the CSC.

· It is the responsibility of the VE delegate(s) to track and obtain all changes posted to the delegate webpage. Delegates are encouraged to share available information with their voting entity/intergroup/meetings and offer feedback before the 60 day motion revision cut off. Revisions are common during this period so it is imperative to keep track of revised motions. Hard copy of the delegate packages will not be available at the CSC.

· Voting Entity Motions will be posted on the website.

· Emails will be sent to registered delegates, previous delegates and community/VE/orphan meeting contacts, as well as to all currently receiving email blasts, notifying of postings as they occur

· Voting at conference will follow these rules:

O Motions submitted on time may be voted on at the current CSC following the normal rules

o Motions submitted after the cutoff date may still be brought to the floor by CSC vote; otherwise, vote is postponed until the following year. Late motions are typically dealt with during New Business although the CSC may vote to address a particular motion at another time. This is 5 days after the 75 days prior to the start of CSC when the above Bylaw and other motions are due.

Guidelines for Presenting Voting Entity Issues as a Motion to CSC

5. Local Voting Entity discusses an issue and writes a Motion to resolve the issue by using the group conscience process. This issue and recommendation is called a Voting Entity Issue (VEI)

6. Voting Entity drafts the VEI, as a Motion by completing the Motion/Voting Entity (VEI) form

7. The VEI Motion may not dishonor or be in conflict with any Bylaws, Steps, Traditions or legal considerations.

8. The VE may request assistance from the Board or a CoDA Standing Committee in drafting and presenting the motion. The Board or a CoDA Standing Committee may also offer assistance or provide guidance to the VE in drafting and presenting the motion.

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 __X_ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

____ Other: __________________________________________________

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________


Motion made by CoDA International Board

Submitted Date: June 8, 2022

Motion Number: 5

Motion Name: Process Once Literature is Approved at

CoDA Service Conference (CSC) as Conference Endorsed Literature

Motion: Once a piece of literature is approved at CSC as conference endorsed:

A. For new literature pieces:

1. CoDA Literature Committee (CLC) will send a copy to Spanish Outreach (SPO) to initiate translation.

2. If the literature piece will be printed and sold on, CLC will send a copy to CoDA Resource Publishing (CoRe) to process. CoRe will notify CoDA Board when the new piece is available on the store.

3. If the literature piece is a “service item” CLC will send a copy to the web liaison to post on

4. A master copy of the literature piece will be added to the CoDA repository of literature masters to be made available for all other translations per the process of translation management via our Fellowship Service Worker (FSW).

B. For updated/revised literature pieces:

1. The steps remain the same as above, except a master copy will be added to the repository when the item is complete, even if it has not been printed

2. If the item is available in electronic format, for example Kindle/iTunes, the electronic version may be updated prior to the printed version being updated.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

1. It has not always been clear at what point new/revised pieces of CoDA literature should be forwarded to SPO for translation.

2. In order to provide CoDA entities entering into translation and/or publishing and distribution agreements the most up-to-date materials, revised/updated materials should be placed in the CoDA repository at the earliest possible point. Revised/updated materials will usually not go to print with CoRe until current supplies in stock are exhausted. This ensures that the most up-to-date materials are in the repository, even if they haven’t yet been printed by CoRe.


This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

__X__ Other: Board & CoRe Policies and Procedures (P&P’s)

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

Please email to

(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to


Motion made by CoDA Board

Submitted Date: June 8, 2022

Motion Number: 6

Motion Name: CoDA Board to Assume Responsibility for the “Starter Kit” Program

Motion: CoDA Board to take on responsibility for the “Starter Kit” program originally instituted by CoDA Resource Publishing (CoRe) Board, including determining the materials to be included, the ordering of the materials, and the cost of the materials and their shipping.

How this will be accomplished is:

1. The email alias ( provided in the invitation to new meetings to request a starter kit will be redirected to the CoDA Board designated contact.

2. CoRe will create two “bundles”, English Starter Kit and Spanish Starter Kit, available on CoDA will provide CoRe with a list of materials to include.

3. The Starter Kit bundles will be made available for sale on, including availability to the Fellowship.

4. CoDA will order and pay for the Starter Kit bundles for new meetings on

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

Sometime in 2016, CoRe found itself in a good financial position and wanted to “give back” to the CoDA Fellowship. Two things were decided: to increase the royalty paid to CoDA from 30% to 40% and to create a “starter kit” of basic conference endorsed materials to offer to new English speaking CoDA meetings and to any Spanish speaking CoDA meeting. When new meetings were registered, they were told they could request a “starter kit” from The message was also shared with Spanish speaking meetings. The program was well received.

Over the years, the cost of the program, especially shipping outside the US has grown. CoDA is now in a better position to assume the cost and time needed continue the program. CoDA appreciates CoRe creating and implementing this program for these last several years.

Unlike the current starter kit program and the Hospitals and Institutions (H&I) ordering program, this program will not require any special coupon codes or invoicing. Since CoDA receives a 40% royalty on orders on the store, CoDA will essentially be paying 60% of the retail price on the store.


Not only does the program “carry the message” to new meetings, it also helps to expose the Fellowship, especially new members of the Fellowship, to the wealth of recovery available in the CoDA conference endorsed literature.

They will be available for order by both CoDA for new meetings and any meeting or individual that might want to order one for their existing group or personal use.

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

__X__ Change of Responsibility

__X__ Other: Board & CoRe’s Policies and Procedure Manual (P&P)

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

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(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to


Motion made by CoDA Board

Submitted Date: June 8, 2022

Due 75 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Number: 7

Revision #: _____________ Revision Date: _________________

Due 60 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Name: Update Fellowship Service Manual (FSM): Fellowship Services Workers (FSW)

Motion: Update Fellowship Service Manual (FSM) part 1, Page 16 to:

Fellowship Services Workers (FSW)

Fellowship Services workers are CoDA members, contracted to provide support services to support the work of the Committees and the Board on behalf of the Fellowship. The CoDA Board of Trustees is responsible for the execution and oversight of these services. These can include, but not limited to: clerical, communications and website duties.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

To simplify and clean up. No need to revise every time we hire new FSW’s.


Current: CoDA Fellowship Service Manual Part 1 Page 16 Last Revision: 2021-10-30

Fellowship Services Workers (FSW) and Independent Contractors

Fellowship Services workers provide baseline support services. This includes a mail and telephone point of contact for themembers, maintenance of the organization’s meeting and contact lists, and the delivery of other services required by theorganization. The CoDA Board of Trustees is responsible for the execution and oversight of these services.

The following FSWs and Independent Contractors currently exist. More detailed information about each can be found the Part 5 of the FSM, Structure and General Information Details.

· Admin FSW handles various administrative tasks including retrieving postal mail from the PO box, maintains the meeting database and handles 7th tradition contributions.

· Webmaster is responsible for maintaining the content of the website.

· Email List Coordinator is responsible for handling the various announcement lists and the emailing of content to the addresses on those lists.

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws __X_ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

____ Other: __________________________________________________

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

Please email to

(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to



Motion made by Arizona Voting Entity

Submitted Date: 05/25/2022

Due 75 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Name: New Proposed Coda Preamble for all the people


ARIZONA VE: New Proposed Coda Preamble for all the people.

Preamble: Co-Dependents Anonymous is a Fellowship of people whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships. We gather together to support and share with each other in a journey of self-discovery - learning to love the self. Living the program allows each of us to become increasingly honest with ourselves about our personal histories and our own codependent behaviors. We rely upon the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions for knowledge and wisdom. These are the principles of our program and guides to developing honest and fulfilling relationships with ourselves and others. In CoDA, we each learn to build a bridge to a Higher Power of our understanding, and we allow others the same privilege. This renewal process is a gift of healing for us. By actively working the program of Co-Dependents Anonymous, we can each realize a new joy, acceptance and serenity in our lives.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

the intent of this motion is to invite any codependents, men, women, and those outside of these labels, into the fellowship and its sacred message. To do so, it is important to keep the messages in the foundational documents preserved. Therefore, simple small word changes are in order to preserve that message and still invite all people to Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA).

No one gets to choose the host body that they are born with. As a biologist, my experience has been that the research shows evidence that people are born on a spectrum of sex and gender. Across cultures, people are recognized to live outside the men and women labels.

This spectrum exists in many living beings. For example, garden snails do not exist as male or female. They are called hermaphrodites, having both male and female reproductive parts. We don’t call snails men and women. We call them snails, the worms with shell homes. People are people, the codependents.

We can be inclusive without using the word “inclusive”. The original CoDA preamble from as it stands on July 30, 2021 with the words “men and women” equals living in fantasy The NEW PROPOSED CoDA PREAMBLE FOR ALL THE PEOPLE with the word “people”, which replaces “men and women”, equals living in reality. The more time passes, the longer time codependents that identify outside of “men and women” will potentially suffer and look away from this fellowship. The sacred foundational texts should carry the message to as many codependents as possible, globally


For this motion, the only words changed in the original CoDA preamble were "men and women" to "people'', as bolded and highlighted above in BLUE in the NEW PROPOSED CoDA PREAMBLE FOR ALL THE PEOPLE.

The original Preamble as of today 7/30 on the website states, "Co-Dependents Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women...". The proposed motion would change this first sentence to "Co-Dependents Anonymous is a fellowship of people...".

Everything else in the original CoDA preamble on is preserved to keep the sacred text and message of our collective group conscious in this fellowship



Pros: long overdue, support, thank you for bringing this to conference, believe this was discussed with the communications motion from yesterday and is also being added to AA, also would support it not going through the two year process if there is discussion on this, great suggestion

Cons: Crafting:

YES VOTE: Yes - 41, No - 4 , Abstain - 0, Motion – Passed 2/3 majority Minority Opinion: Takes us out the box. Only concern is for CoRE if things are to be reprinted for cost. [These numbers seem to be Arizona's internal vote]

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

___x_ Other: _________Change in Foundational Document_________________________________________

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

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(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to



Motion Name:

Dissolution of Translation Management Committee (TMC)


The Translation Management Committee moves to dissolve itself as a standing committee following the 2022 CoDA Service Conference.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

Work will be done by a fellowship worker overseen by the CoDA Board.

To Acknowledge:

· The need for fellowship service worker to perform Administrative and legal Contractual work.

· TMC work is currently overseen by the CoDA board. TMC is not an initiator of its own work.

· Need to move Committee Work to the corporate side of CoDA as overseen by the board in its fiduciary responsibility.


Translation Management Committee work and responsibility will be moved to Fellowship Service Worker and CoDA Board

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ___X_ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

___X Change of Responsibility

____ Other: __________________________________________________

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

Please email to

(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to


Motion made by Translation Management Committee

Submitted Date: 6/8/2022

Due 75 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Revision #: _____________ Revision Date: _________________

Due 60 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Name: Create Universal & Generic FSM

Motion: To create an ad hoc committee or workgroup to revise the FSM to reflect our international focus by using plain language (Plain and

To remove USA specific references placing the USA references in a separately created appendix for the USA.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

To create an international service manual.

The use of “Plain Language” is necessary for accuracy and ease of translation.

To recognize the needs of other countries to have a service manual that reflects the needs of their own fellowship.


The original FSM was created to serve the needs of CoDA National (USA) and needs to be updated to reflect the change from CoDA National to CoDA world a global and international organization.

Members of the international community may bring to CSC requests for their own appendices.

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

____ Other: __________________________________________________

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

Please email to

(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to


(more to come)


Motion made by CoDA Teen Task Force

Submitted Date: June 8, 2022

Due 75 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Number: 9

Revision #: _____________ Revision Date: _________________

Due 60 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Name: CoDAteen Preamble and Welcome

Motion: To approve the CoDAteen Preamble and Welcome (Short and Long version) as written below as foundational documents for CoDAteen.


(Italicized words are added in comparison to our CoDA preamble)

CoDAteen, a part of Co-Dependents Anonymous, is a Fellowship of young people (replaced men and women) whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships. We gather together to support and share with each other in a journey of self-discovery — learning to love the self. Living the program allows each of us to become increasingly honest with ourselves about our personal histories and our own codependent behaviors.

We rely upon the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions for knowledge and wisdom. These are the principles of our program and guides to developing honest and fulfilling relationships with ourselves and others. In CoDAteen, we each learn to build a bridge to a Higher Power of our own understanding, and we allow others the same privilege.

This renewal process is a gift of healing for us. By actively working the program of CoDAteen and Co-Dependents Anonymous, we can each realize a new joy, acceptance and serenity in our lives.


We welcome you to CoDAteen, a part of Co-Dependents Anonymous - a program of recovery from codependence, where each of us may share our experience, strength, and hope in our efforts to find freedom where there has been bondage, and peace where there has been turmoil in our relationships with others and ourselves.

Codependence is a deeply-rooted, compulsive behavior. It is born out of our sometimes moderately, sometimes extremely dysfunctional families and other systems. We attempted to use others as our sole source of identity, value, well-being, and as a way of trying to restore our emotional losses. Our histories may include other powerful addictions which we have used to cope with our codependency.

We have all learned to survive life, but in CoDAteen we are learning to live life. Through applying the Twelve Steps and principles found in CoDA to our daily lives and relationships, both present and past, we can experience a new freedom from our self-defeating lifestyles. Our sharing helps us to free the emotional bonds of our past and the compulsive control of our present.

No matter how traumatic your past or despairing your present may seem, there is hope for a new day in the program of CoDAteen and Co-Dependents Anonymous. May you find a new strength within to be that which God intended - Precious and Free.


The Welcome of Co-Dependents Anonymous

We welcome you to CoDAteen, a part of Co-Dependents Anonymous, a program of recovery from codependence, where each of us may share our experience, strength, and hope in our efforts to find freedom where there has been bondage and peace where there has been turmoil in our relationships with others and ourselves.

Most of us have been searching for ways to overcome the dilemmas of the conflicts in our relationships and our childhoods. Many of us were raised in families where addictions existed – some of us were not. In either case, we have found in each of our lives that codependence is a most deeply rooted compulsive behavior and that it is born out of our sometimes moderately, sometimes extremely dysfunctional families and other systems. We have each experienced in our own ways the painful trauma of the emptiness of our childhood and relationships throughout our lives.

We attempted to use others – our family members mates, friends, and even our parents children, as our sole source of identity, value and well-being, and as a way of trying to restore within us the emotional losses from our childhoods. Our histories may include other powerful addictions which at times we have used to cope with our codependence.

We have all learned to survive life, but in CoDAteen we are learning to live life. Through applying the Twelve Steps and principles found in CoDA to our daily life and relationships ­ both present and past – we can experience a new freedom from our self-defeating lifestyles. It is an individual growth process. Each of us is growing at our own pace and will continue to do so as we remain open to God’s will for us on a daily basis. Our sharing is our way of identification and helps us to free the emotional bonds of our past and the compulsive control of our present.

No matter how traumatic your past or despairing your present may seem, there is hope for a new day in the program of CoDAteen and Co-Dependents Anonymous. No longer do you need to rely on others as a power greater than yourself. May you instead find here a new strength within to be that which God intended – Precious and Free.

Intent, background, other pertinent information: To adapt the CoDA Preamble and Welcome to be relevant for CoDAteen


This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

__X__ Other: CoDAteen Preamble and Welcome (Short & Long)

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

Please email to

(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to


Motion made by CoDA Teen Task Force

Motion Number: 8

Revision #: _______1______ Revision Date: _6/23/2022_____________

Due 60 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Name: Reinstatement of CoDAteen

Motion: To reinstate CoDAteen Standing CoDA Committee to continue the work started by the CoDAteen Task Force which was established by the CoDA Board after the 2021 CSC.

This includes reinstating and providing CoDAteen meeting listings, material sources and support to CoDAteen meetings worldwide. (CoDAteen was previously disbanded in 2007)

Intent, background, other pertinent information: Support young people around the world and offer them the Experience, Strength and Hope gained by attending CoDAteen meetings that are age appropriate. The CoDAteen Task Force would like to continue to review, edit and create relevant materials and support CoDA groups interested in sponsoring CoDAteen meetings through becoming a Standing Committee.

Intención, antecedentes, otra información pertinente: Apoyar a los jóvenes de todo el mundo y ofrecerles Experiencia, Fortaleza y Esperanza a través de la asistencia a las reuniones de CoDAteen que son apropiadas a su edad. Al Grupo de Trabajo de CoDAteen le gustaría continuar revisando, editando y creando materiales, y ser un apoyo para los grupos de CoDA para auspiciar las reuniones de CoDAteen, y así convertirse en un Comité permanente de CoDA.

Remarks: During the CoDA Service Conference (CSC) 2021, the Spanish Outreach Committee, after an exhaustive investigation of Latin American countries, presented a report that shows the need for CoDA among teens. In response, the Board of Trustees committed to review the material previously approved for CoDAteen, and thus reintegrate it to the website

Observaciones: En la Conferencia de Servicio de CoDA de 2021, el Comité de Divulgación en Español, después de una investigación exhaustiva en los países de América Latina, presentó un informe que muestra la necesidad de CoDA entre los adolescentes. En respuesta, la Junta de CoDA se comprometió a revisar el material previamente aprobado para CoDAteen, y así reintegrarlo al sitio web.

Upon reviewing the history of the motion database (see below) CoDAteen was officially dissolved in 2007 and it was voted that all CoDAteen material was NOT to be published. CoDAteen never joined another committee. A subsequent motion of 2007 requested that all the CoDAteen material be taken and incorporated into the material of CoDA Young Adults. This motion was supposed to have been sent to the CoDA Literature Committee (CLC) and to the Service Structure Committee (SSC) as a task which was never carried out. Since no motion was approved during the CSC 2021 to reinstate CoDAteen, the Board of Trustees determined that CoDAteen could not officially be reinstated, nor old CoDAteen materials could be published on the website. Additionally, the CoDAteen materials were obsolete and there were previous security concerns around the CoDAteen program which had not been addressed.

Al revisar la historia de la base de datos de las mociones (ver abajo), CoDAteen se disolvió oficialmente en 2007 y se votó que todo el material de CoDAteen NO se publicara. CoDAteen nunca se incorporó a otro comité. Una moción posterior de 2007 pidió que se tomara todo el material de CoDAteen y se incorporara al material de Jóvenes Adultos de CoDA, esto se suponía que sería remitido al CLC y al CES como una tarea la cual nunca se llevó a cabo. Como no se aprobó ninguna moción en la CSC 2021 para reinstaurar CoDAteen, la Junta Directiva determinó que no podía reinstaurar oficialmente CoDAteen, ni publicar el material antiguo en el sitio web. Además, el material era obsoleto y había previas preocupaciones de seguridad en torno al programa de CoDAteen que no se habían abordado.

In response, the Coda Board of Trustees together with members of the Spanish Outreach Committee formed a Task Force to review these materials and obtain information from other committees/groups and/or interested individuals. Volunteers were invited to join. Eventually a Task Force was formed made of two subgroups; English and Spanish. Translation and interpretation services were used to enable both working Groups to share information and work together.

En respuesta, la Junta Directiva de CoDA junto con miembros del Comité de Divulgación en Español formó un Grupo de Trabajo para revisar estos materiales y obtener información de otros comités/grupos y/o personas interesadas. Se solicitaron voluntarios y finalmente se formó un Grupo de Trabajo compuesto por dos subgrupos en inglés y español. Se utilizan servicios de traducción e interpretación para que los Grupos de Trabajo puedan compartir información y trabajar juntos.

We have made a lot of progress during this year as we have reviewed and created materials such as the “Minimum Behavior and Safety Standards, the CoDAteen Meeting Handbook, and started work on the CoDAteen website page. The success of the CoDAteen program will depend on the support recieved from CoDA groups in their area. There is still a lot to be done with the adaptation of appropriate material, as well as contributions of the teens themselves as the program continues to grow. The best way to do this is to reinstate CoDAteen and establish a permanent standing committee to support the work in progress.

Hemos avanzado mucho este año revisando y creando "Normas Mínimas de Comportamiento y Seguridad", un Paquete de Inicio de Reuniones para CoDAteen y una página web CoDAteen. El éxito del programa de CoDAteen dependerá del apoyo que reciban que los grupos de CoDA en su área. Todavía hay mucho trabajo por hacer con la adaptación del material apropiado, así como la aportación de los propios adolescentes a medida que el programa crece. La mejor manera de hacerlo es reinstaurar CoDAteen, y establecer un Comité permanente para apoyar el trabajo en curso.

CoDA Step 12: Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other codependents, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

CoDA Tradition 5: Each group has but one primary purpose — to carry its message to other codependents who still suffer.

Doceavo Paso de CoDA: Habiendo obtenido un despertar espiritual, como resultado de estos pasos, tratamos de llevar el mensaje a otros codependientes y de practicar estos principios en todos nuestros asuntos.

Quinta Tradición de CoDA: Cada grupo tiene un solo objetivo primordial; llevar el mensaje a otros codependientes que aún sufren.

Motion Key: 629 Number: 07012 Item Type: MOTION Date: 9/27/2007 Vote: 2/3 Vote Committee: Board Member Names: Leo Subject: Disband CoDAteen Description: Disband the CoDAteen as a Standing Committee. Intent: Hopes of combining this committee with another standing committee. Remarks: Motion Key: 642 Number: 07025 Item Type:

Clave de Moción: 629 Número: 07012 Tipo de asunto: MOCIÓN Fecha: 27/09/2007 Votación: 2/3 Comité de Votación: Nombres de los miembros de la Junta: Leo. Tema: Disolver CoDAteen. Descripción: Disolver CoDAteen como Comité Permanente. Intención: Esperar combinar este comité con otro comité permanente. Observaciones: Clave de la moción: 642 Número: 07025 Tipo de artículo:

MOTION Date: 9/28/2007 Vote: 2/3 Vote Committee: CSC Member Names: Roy L. - GA Subject: Do not publish the CoDAteen Starter Packet. Description: Do not publish or distribute CoDAteen Starter Packet and remove reference to and resources for starting CoDAteen meetings. Intent: To remove all CoDAteen Items Remarks: 23-0-2

Fecha de la MOCIÓN: 28/9/2007 Votación: 2/3 Comisión de Votación: CSC Nombres de los miembros: Roy L. - GA Asunto: No publicar el Paquete de Inicio de CoDAteen Descripción: No publicar ni distribuir el Paquete de Inicio de CoDAteen y eliminar la referencia y los recursos para iniciar las reuniones de CoDAteen. Intención: Eliminar todos los artículos de CoDAteen. Observaciones: 23-0-2

Motion Key: 657 Number: 07040 Item Type: MOTION Date: 9/29/2007 Vote: MAJORITY Committee: CSC Member Names: Barbara AZ Subject: Teen information into Young Adult Description: Incorporate prior work done for CoDAteen into existing documents and forward to SSC/ CLC for work. Intent: Use Starter Packet prepared for CoDAteen attract Young Adult meetings. Remarks: 17-7-7 Motion Key: 791 Number: 09015 Item Type: VEI Date: 7/8/2009 Vote: Committee: Board Member Names: Thom Subject: TX-09-04 Description: Remove CoDAteen Committee from Sections 9 and 10 on page 6 (or any other place it may be referenced) of the Fellowship Service Manual. Intent: CoDAteen was disbanded at the 2007 CSC.

CoDA documentation needs to reflect current information. Remarks: Assigned to CES

Clave de moción: 657 Número: 07040 Tipo de artículo: MOCIÓN Fecha: 29/9/2007 Votación: MAYORÍA Comité: CSC Nombres de los miembros: Barbara AZ Asunto: Información sobre Adolescentes en Adulto Joven. Descripción: Incorporar el trabajo previo realizado para CoDAteen en los documentos existentes y remitirlo al CES/CLC para que lo trabaje. Intención: Utilizar el paquete inicial preparado para Adolescentes de CoDA para atraer a las reuniones de Jóvenes Adultos. Observaciones: 17-7-7 Clave de la moción: 791 Número: 09015 Tipo de artículo: AEV Fecha: 8/7/2009 Votaciones: Comité: Nombres de los miembros de la Junta: Thom. Asunto: TX-09-04 Descripción: Eliminar el Comité de CoDAteen de las secciones 9 y 10 de la página 6 (o de cualquier otro lugar en el que se haga referencia) del Manual de Servicio de la Fraternidad. Intención: CoDAteen se disolvió en la CSC de 2007. La documentación de CoDA debe reflejar la información actual. Observaciones: Asignado al CES

Esta moción requiere cambios en: (marque lo que aplique)

_____ Estatutos ____ MSF P1 ____ MSF P2

____ MSF P3 ____ MSF P4 ____ MSF P5

____ Cambio de Responsabilidad

____ Otros: __________________________________________________

(Uso Exclusivo de la Entrada de Datos)

Resultado de la Moción: _______________________________________

Por favor, envíe un correo electrónico a

(Si desea ayuda para redactar su moción, envíe un correo electrónico a

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws __X__ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 __X__ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

____ Other: __________________________________________________

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

Please email to

(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to



Motion made by CoDA Literature Committee

Submitted Date: May 28, 2022

Due 75 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Number: 1

Revision #: 1 Revision Date: 6/22/22

Due 60 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Name: New pamphlet: CoDA Conference Endorsed Literature is Vital


CSC to endorse a new pamphlet, entitled: CoDA Conference Endorsed Literature is Vital. The contents are as follows:

[For the layout of the pamphlet draft, see attached PDF document]

What is CoDA Service Conference endorsed literature?

CoDA Service Conference, CSC, endorsed literature is written anonymously, by CoDA members, for the CoDA Fellowship. Members share their first-hand experience, strength, and hope about working CoDA’s Twelve Steps, and living The Twelve Traditions, describing how their lives have improved because of CoDA.

New CoDA literature is published after it has been endorsed by a group of international delegates at the annual CoDA Service Conference.

Why is CSC endorsed literature vital to the integrity of CoDA?

When Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) was founded in 1986, we did not have our own literature. We relied on outside professional authors and materials from older Fellowships. Our first literature project, produced in 1989, was a set of pamphlets, one for each of the Twelve Steps. In 1999, the pamphlets were collected into the Twelve Steps Handbook. Our basic CoDA text, Co-Dependents

Anonymous, was first published in 1995. It continues to be a major source of guidance and inspiration for working the CoDA program.

As the Fellowship has grown in recovery, learning to rely on our Higher Power, The Twelve Steps, and The Twelve Traditions, the depth of our literature has grown. Today, CoDA literature includes thousands of pages, taking many forms: books, booklets, pamphlets, and audio recordings.

Much of our literature has been created using the informed group conscience process by trusted servants in the CoDA Literature Committee. This process includes seeking guidance from our Higher Power, listening to all viewpoints, and then voting for the writing that best reflects our program. Patience and acceptance are integral to the group conscience process.

When choosing literature for a meeting, it is vital to support CoDA’s primary purpose: to carry the message of recovery to other codependents who still suffer.

Our Twelve Traditions guide us.

As we read in our meetings, "CoDA's Twelve Traditions are the guiding spiritual principles of our meetings.” Our Twelve Traditions are deeply woven into the fabric of all CoDA literature. They can guide our choice of literature within our meetings.

Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon CoDA unity. - Tradition One

Hearing the consistent CoDA message contained in our literature, affirms our connection to CoDA recovery, to each other, and to the foundational principle of unity.

Each group should remain autonomous, except in matters affecting other groups or CoDA as a whole.

- Tradition Four

Reading and selling CoDA literature in our meetings supports the growth of the Fellowship. It ensures safety, encouragement, consistency of message, and unity across CoDA meetings world-wide, and CoDA as a whole.

Each group has but one primary purpose -- to carry

its message to other codependents who still suffer.

- Tradition Five

Reading outside literature in meetings confuses and dilutes the CoDA recovery message. Whereas reading CoDA literature supports the essence of Tradition Five by carrying the CoDA message of hope to the still suffering codependent.

A CoDA group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the CoDA name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property and prestige divert us from our primary spiritual aim. - Tradition Six

The use of outside literature endorses its author, makes their work the focus of the meeting, and raises the question, “Is this a CoDA meeting or a book study session?”

Every CoDA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. - Tradition Seven

The sale of CoDA literature supports CoDA financially. Using or selling outside literature deprives CoDA as a whole, including individual meetings, of financial support and autonomy.

Co-Dependents Anonymous should remain forever nonprofessional, but our service centers may employ special workers. - Tradition Eight

As stated in Building CoDA Community: Healthy Meetings Matter, page 17, “In CoDA, no one is paid to share experience, strength, and hope, whether at meetings, as sponsors, or in any other Twelve Step related activity.”

CoDA has no opinion on outside issues; hence the CoDA name ought never be drawn into public controversy. -Tradition Ten

We avoid controversy by declining to use outside professional sources, such as books, therapies, speakers, or workshops.

Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, films, television, and all other public forms of communication. - Tradition Eleven

CoDA is a spiritual program of attraction, with a unique, collective voice. Literature written outside of CoDA, promotes the author or entity, their opinions, and gives them income.

Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. - Tradition Twelve

Our literature is written anonymously, to avoid personal quests for power, prestige, or monetary gain.

CoDA Literature evolves as CoDA grows.

Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to other codependents, and to practice these principles in all our affairs. - Step Twelve

CoDA is a spiritual program, inspiring many to serve the Fellowship through writing and editing. Our literature is a living, breathing expression of the knowledge and wisdom gained within our Fellowship. CoDA welcomes the creation of new pieces of literature as well as revisions of existing literature, which we consider ‘works in progress’.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

To make the case to the Fellowship that using CoDA CSC endorsed literature is the only way to truly carry the CoDA message of recovery. Using positive language and clear reasoning, based firmly in our Steps and Traditions, this pamphlet briefly describes the compelling reasons for CoDA meetings to focus on CoDA literature and the harm that is done by using outside literature.


The attached word document is a mock-up of the pamphlet that will be created by CoRe.

This pamphlet is not completely new. It is a reworking of an old, discontinued pamphlet, Why Is CoDA Conference Endorsed Literature Vital?

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

__x__ Other: New piece of literature and website service piece

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

Please email to

(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to


Motion made by CoDA Literature Committee

Submitted Date: May 28, 2022

Due 75 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion #: 2

Revision #: ______ Revision Date: ________

Due 60 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Name: Revised “Prayers for The Twelve Traditions”


CSC to endorse the revised Prayers for The Twelve Traditions of Co-Dependents Anonymous:


Higher Power, deepen my awareness to include the welfare of the whole. Help me speak my truth and allow others the same privilege, trusting that prioritizing common welfare and unity supports my own recovery.


Higher Power, You are the ultimate authority; our leaders are trusted servants and do not govern. May I be guided to patiently take time to trust and honor an informed group conscience as a loving expression of Your will.


Higher Power, may I let go of fear and expectations in my desire for healthy and loving relationships. Grant me courage to be honest, open-minded, and willing to accept myself as I begin to set healthy boundaries.


Higher Power, show me how to support the group's autonomy in making decisions, becoming aware of the possible effects on other groups and CoDA as a whole. May I honor You, using the gifts I have received to give service as I recover.


Higher Power, may I be a conduit of Your love, wisdom, and support. Guide me as I share struggles and triumphs with other codependents who still suffer. May I listen with an open heart and mind, creating loving relationships and healthier CoDA meetings.


Higher Power, show me how to build healthy relationships by releasing control, the misuse of power, and overconcern with material possessions. Help me to keep my focus on the primary spiritual aim and the power of CoDA principles.


Higher Power, thank You for all the gifts CoDA has freely given me. Help me contribute to CoDA’s health and continuity, by humbly giving service and financial support. May I cooperate as an equal partner in all my relationships, remembering to care for myself.


Higher Power, may I appreciate each person as a precious creation, with unique and valuable abilities that contribute to the whole. Inspire me to walk through my fear and give me courage to say yes to service requests that will help me grow.


Higher Power, support me as I do my part, humbly sharing in the rotation of service, remembering that no individual is in charge. May I accept the informed group conscience as an expression of Your loving spiritual guidance.


Higher Power, encourage me to contribute to a safe environment by keeping our meetings focused on CoDA recovery. Help me stay away from hurtful controversy and outside issues, creating space for healthy relationships to grow.


Higher Power, may I be mindful of remaining anonymous in all public forms of communication, sharing what I've learned in CoDA by example. Help me remember to speak for myself, not others or CoDA as a whole.


Higher Power, thank you for the principle of anonymity as the spiritual foundation of CoDA’s Twelve Traditions. Help me remember to apply principles before personalities in all my relationships.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

Written prayers have been part of our CoDA program, as individuals and in meetings since the beginning of CoDA. Our Twelve Step prayers help CoDA members take the Steps to heart and deepen our reliance on our Higher Power.

It is the intention of CLC that having prayers for our Twelve Traditions will help members to incorporate the principles of the Traditions in their daily lives.

Last year, CSC endorsed the first draft of these prayers. Since then, the prayers have been posted on the website, available for comments from the Fellowship, including CLC. The revised prayers represent a wider group conscience. The prayers will be posted on the website as a service piece and will be included in the next edition of the Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions Workbook in 2023.


This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

__x Other: Service piece for website

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

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Motion made by CoDA Literature Committee

Submitted Date: May 28, 2022

Due 75 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Number: 3

Revision #: 1 Revision Date: 6/22/22

Due 60 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Name: “Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence and Hope of Recovery” service piece.


CSC to endorse the revised presentation and wording of “Recovery Patterns of Codependence” as a service piece entitled “Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence and Hope of Recovery”.

It may be posted for one year, during which time, comments from the Fellowship are welcome, and will be resubmitted next year for endorsement.

See attached PDF document.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

1. To offer the Fellowship an additional option for reading The Patterns and Characteristics of Co-Dependents Anonymous. The “I/Westatements are meant to be an addition to the original wording, ‘Codependents often… they”, not a replacement.

2. Each statement was adapted to fit with the heading, “In codependence, I/We may…”

3. Each corresponding recovery statement was adapted to fit with the heading, “In recovery I/We may learn to…”.

4. Some of the recovery statements were edited for clarity and to be more open ended and less prescriptive.

5. The document title, “Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence vs Hope of Recovery” is meant to encourage the understanding that recovery is a learning process, not a destination.


This motion was originally brought to CSC from the Texas VE. CLC has worked with a representative from Texas to create this new CLC motion.

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

_X Other: Service piece for website

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

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(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to


Motion made by CoDA Literature Committee

Submitted Date: June 8, 2022

Due 75 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Number: 4

Revision #: 2 Revision Date: 6/22/22

Due 60 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Name: Procedure for Accepting Voting Entity Literature


CSC to adopt the following procedure for new literature presented at CSC and directly to CLC.

Procedure for Accepting Voting Entity Literature submitted to CSC and to CLC

In order for a new piece of literature submitted by a Voting Entity (VE) to be considered for publication, it must meet the following expectations:

· Complies with the current CoDA Literature Committee (CLC) Style Sheet,

· Contributes something new to the existing CoDA literature,

· Complies with The Twelve Traditions,

· Contains material that is relevant to The Twelve Steps, The Twelve Traditions, or The Twelve Service Concepts,

· Was approved by a VE via group conscience,

· Does not contain any material which is copyrighted by an individual or organization outside of CoDA, Inc., and

· Individual authors must be willing to sign a copyright assignment to CoDA Inc., with the understanding they may not continue to publish or use their work as their own.


1. A Voting Entity (VE) submits a piece of literature as a Voting Entity Issue, VEI, which is endorsed by the Delegates.


2. VE submits a piece of literature directly to CoDA Literature Committee (CLC)

3. CLC initial response, to be completed within two weeks of receipt by CLC:

o Is the piece in English? If NO, return to VE for translation and copy the Translation Management Committee.

o Was a completed copyright assignment attached to the submission? If NO, return to VE to obtain copyright release.

o Is the piece already copyrighted within CoDA? If YES, forward to Legal Liaison to resolve.

o If none of the above are a problem, CLC will send a confirming email to the VE to explain what comes next. NOTE: No target date will be set at this time.

4. CLC asks for input from CoRe, the CoDA publication group, for their projection of sales.

5. CLC will proofread the piece and assign it a status of:

o Accepted “as is” CLC will submit a motion at the next CoDA Service Conference (CSC) to approve the piece for publication.

o Needs work Some rewriting is needed to correct problems with meeting expectations and/or improving the clarity of the piece.

o Multi-year project CLC wants to expand the piece with additional content or integrate the material into an existing piece that is under development.

6. If the piece is going to require more work, VE provides CLC with a liaison to CLC: someone from the VE who will work with CLC on this project.

7. CLC will inform the CSC about projects that have been accepted and ask for feedback on prioritizing them during presentation of their annual report.

8. CLC will work on larger projects in priority order within the limits of available committee members to work on projects. Some accepted projects may take several years to complete.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

This procedure makes clear the process and the responsibilities for VEs bringing new literature to CSC. It also makes clear the CLC process and responsibilities. In the past, CLC did not always reply to VE submissions in a timely manner; in this new procedure, we are committing to responding directly to the VE within 2 weeks of a piece being assigned to us by the Board.

This past year, the CoDA Board asked the CLC to come up with a procedure for how literature submitted by VEs as motions to the CSC will be handled. This motion is the CLC’s response to that request.

Once accepted by CSC, this procedure will be posted on the CLC webpage and will be included in the updated P&P document in 2023.


In 2017, the CSC approved two motions submitted by the CoDA Board to change procedures to improve the flow of literature from Voting Entities to conference endorsed literature status. Although the second motion outlined a set of requirements for VE endorsed literature to meet in order to have their submissions receive approval, no entity was responsible for checking a piece for compliance with the requirements.

One effect of these motions was to remove the CLC from any position of editorial control (spelling, punctuation, grammar, clarity of the text, ...) over submissions. Furthermore, there was no longer an opportunity for the CLC to contribute to the pieces or to integrate them into current CLC pieces already in development. CLC would like to ensure that we have an opportunity to make changes to a piece in cooperation with the VE.

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

___X_ Other: Addition to CLC Policies and Procedures

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

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(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to


Motion made by CoDA Literature Committee

Submitted Date: May 28, 2022

Due 75 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Number: 5

Revision #: _____________ Revision Date: _________________

Due 60 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Name: Healing Prayer

Motion: CSC to endorse a new prayer, entitled A Prayer for Healing, as a service piece for the. Fellowship

Higher Power, thank you for showing me this memory. It is a painful one. Thank you for starting to uncover this part of me.

Higher Power, I welcome your healing light to shine on all corners of this memory so that I can love this part of me, too.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

Written by a CoDA member, encouraged by their sponsor, CoDA home group, and SoCal VE, this prayer was sent to CLC to present to CSC for endorsement.

A Prayer for Healing will be posted on as a service piece along with the other CoDA prayers. In future, the prayer will be included in reprints of the CoDA Prayer Compendium booklet as well as other publications not yet determined.


This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

___X_Other: Service Piece on website

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

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(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to


Motion made by CoDA Literature Committee

Submitted Date: 5/28/2022

Due 75 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Number: 6

Motion Name: Developmental Editor


CSC to approve CoDA, Inc to hire a developmental editor to work with the CoDA Literature Committee in support of creating a new, full-length book for the Fellowship, Growing Up in CoDA, Becoming Emotionally Mature. The individual must be a highly skilled professional editor with developmental editing experience and a member of CoDA who is actively working the CoDA recovery program. While the number of hours required to complete this project is not known, the individual will be paid $45 - $60 per hour. The total cost is anticipated to be about $10,000, and it is projected to be completed during fiscal year 2022. The cost of this position would be paid from the general CoDA funds.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

This new book will expand several issues that were raised in our foundational text, Co-Dependents Anonymous: childhood trauma of abuse and neglect, coping skills that developed into codependent characteristics, addiction, inner child work, and developing reparenting skills.

Since the publication of Co-Dependents Anonymous, many CoDA members have made inner child and reparenting work integral to their recovery program, both in meetings and with sponsors. Relying on books written by published authors and other Twelve Step Fellowships to augment our literature, CoDA members have developed a wealth of experience, strength, and hope.

This ESH is reflected in the writing of a diligent group of CoDA members, who have been creating Growing Up in CoDA over the last several years. It is the intention of the CLC to create a full-length book that will add a deeper understanding of our disease of codependency to our CoDA literature. The goal is to reach the still suffering codependent by sharing information, stories submitted by CoDA members, and exercises.

Having enthusiastically taken on this ambitious book project, CLC has realized we do not have the expertise to create the best possible resource for the Fellowship. It is our informed group conscience that a professional book development editor, assigned to work directly with CLC, is the most efficient way to get our work done well and in a timely manner. A development editor who is a CoDA member will bring a fresh set of eyes and a professional perspective, while bringing forth the CoDA voice to the new material.


There has been interest in writing about inner child and reparenting issues since the early days of CoDA.

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

__X Other: Creation of literature

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

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(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to


Motion made by CoDA Literature Committee

Submitted Date: June 8, 2022

Due 75 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Number: 7

Revision #: _____________ Revision Date: _________________

Due 60 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Name: Updates, CoDA Blue Book Pocket Edition


CSC to pre-endorse updates of the CoDA Blue Book Pocket Edition so that it matches the current edition of Co-Dependents Anonymous. CLC will make appropriate edits to the pocketbook’s opening documents, its five chapters, and remove outdated information so that it reads the same as Co-Dependents Anonymous. No new material will be added that is not in the current edition of Co-Dependents Anonymous.

CoRe to print updated versions of CoDA Blue Book Pocket Edition as soon as possible so that the Fellowship may have access to the updated editions.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

The current, printed CoDA Blue Book Pocket Edition is out of date, both in English and in Spanish. In contrast, Co-Dependents Anonymous, from which the pocket edition was originally derived, has been edited and reprinted multiple times since the last printing of the abridged book.

There is an urgent need to update the CoDA Blue Book Pocket Edition digital file because it is the document that is used by to create translations. Our Spanish speaking members use the Spanish version of CoDA Blue Book Pocket Edition as their basic text. Updating it now will allow pending Spanish translations to be current. CLC plans to complete the editing in the next few months.

CLC requests this unusual pre-permission so that the updated text can be translated, printed, and distributed as soon as possible. Otherwise, the Fellowship will have to wait until after CSC 2023.


This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

__X__ Other: Piece of Literature

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

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(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to



Motion made by Northern California CoDA (NorCal)

Submitted Date: June 7, 2022

Due 75 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Number: 1

Revision #: _____________ Revision Date: ________________

Due 60 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Name: Approve the 40 Questions* for provisional release (see attached DRAFT literature document )


NorCal CoDA requests approval to have the 40 Questions* draft version posted on CoDA website for a one year review as "provisional release"

*Full name: " WORKING STEPS 4 & 5 - USING THE 40 QUESTIONS "

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

NorCal CoDA seeks approval from CSC 2022 to make the 40 Questions* draft available on the CoDA website as a "provisional release" for all CoDA members to review. During the one-year review period, comments and suggestions are encouraged and invited.

The final goal for the 40 Questions* is to have it become an endorsed service item at CSC 2023 to be available on the website alongside the 30 Questions, (under the mechanism of motions 17001 and 17002.)


Fourteen years ago, NorCal CoDA wrote the original 30 Questions, a way of working the first three Steps of CoDependents Anonymous. In 2019 the 30 Questions were approved and endorsed and are now available on the CoDA website. NorCal CoDA has also received numerous requests from around the world requesting a similar document to assist in working Steps Four and Five. The 40 Questions are the result of those requests.

Many thanks go to all who contributed to the writing and collaboration as this document evolved over the years and to the many others in our fellowship who vetted the process.

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

X____ Other: Posting of the 40 Questions* in "draft" form on the website for provisional review

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

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Motion made by CoDA Canada

Voting Entity: CoDA Canada

Date: May 13, 2020

Motion Number: 1

Motion Name: Service Concepts Booklet ~ Alive & Strong


Following the presentation and provisional acceptance of the draft version of ‘Service Concepts ~ Alive & Strong’ booklet at the 2020 CSC, we now wish to present this document for official approval as CoDA Endorsed Literature to be made available in printed booklet form.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

As the sole piece of literature available addressing the CoDA Twelve Service Concepts, this booklet can now be used by all CoDA members worldwide to improve their understanding and practical application of the Service Concepts. This is a tool for recovery for the Fellowship to encourage individual growth in recovery, promote healthy and loving relationships, as well as improve the integrity of service work at all levels of our Service Structure.


The revised final document will be forwarded before the revision deadline.

This motion or VEI requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

____ By Laws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

____ Other: _______________________________

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

VEI Result – Assigned to __________________ on _________ (date)



Motion made by CoDA Service Structure Committee

Submitted Date: 5-24-2022

Due 75 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Number: 1

Revision #: _____________ Revision Date: _________________

Due 60 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Name:

Service Structure Committee (SSC) dissolution.


The Service Structure Committee moves to dissolve itself as a standing committee. Any mention of Service Structure Committee (SSC) in the Fellowship Service Manual (FSM) shall be removed.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

Per our committee’s request, the Board hired a Fellowship Service Worker (FSW) to update/correct the Fellowship Service Manual (FSM), as needed.

Per CoDA Fellowship Service Manual Part 1 Page 16 Last Revision: 2021-10-30:

The CoDA Board of Trustees is responsible for the execution and oversight of these services (FSW’s).


Current Mission Statement:

The Service Structure Committee’s function is to serve the will of the Fellowship and to serve in an advisory capacity to the CoDA Service Conference, Board of Trustees, and other service entities regarding service structure and the foundation documents. This includes maintaining CoDA fundamental structural documents, including the Fellowship Service Manual (FSM), the 12 Steps, the 12 Traditions, the 12 Twelve Concepts, the Welcome, the Preamble, and other documents, as directed by the CoDA Service Conference (CSC). For more information, please see Part 5 of the FSM, Section 03, CoDA Standing Committees.

SSC discussed this motion with 3 of SSC’s past chairs as well as the Chairs Forum, and they are in support of this motion.

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws __X_ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

____ Other: __________________________________________________

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

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(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to



Motion made by WCC

Submitted Date: June 8 2022

Due 75 days prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Number: 1

Motion Name: CoDA-approved literature available in the languages of CoDA fellowship worldwide


Make all CoDA approved literature, such as the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Workbook, the Big Book of CoDA, the Pocket Blue Book and the In This Moment affirmations book including audiobook versions as appropriate be available in languages of the CoDA Fellowship so the still suffering codependent across the world has the basic information to begin their recovery in the language including style, dialect and colloquially appropriate in the languages of fellowship worldwide.

WCC requests that a task force be formed to adopt a best practices approach to translation of fundamental CoDA literature. In addition, that in any audio-visual media applications where closed captioning is available, said captioning be enabled and turned on for the recording of all audio presentations. This will enable a transcript to be saved which can be downloaded for translation. It would then be polished in the local language by a local member of fellowship or paid service worker, edited by the Regional Service Representative (RSR) and then have that translation uploaded to YouTube or other audio/video methods, with subtitles of that language. WCC Regional Service Representatives (RSRs) recognize the work and time this entails having experience translating materials from CoDA World suggesting a paid Service Worker of each language be assigned to this endeavour for the good of the still suffering codependent.

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

The basics of CoDA group development is hampered by the translation of materials into other languages and countries and WCC can help this process by encouraging the fellowship to support this effort to carry the message to the codependent who still suffers across the world.

WCC Regional Service Representatives report that there's a high demand for international content of English workshops, since not so many people speak English. Thus, it would be a great help to somehow organize the audios of presentations/workshops/speakers to have subtitles.

WCC RSRs recognize the work and time this entails having experience translating materials from CoDA World and care about the good of the still suffering codependent whose recovery is delayed by the lack of material in their native language.

A Task Force, if assembled would work with WCC and associated committees and CoRE to develop a plan and prioritize schedule and develop a template with WCC RSR’s to assure accuracy and timely delivery. The Task Force would leverage the extensive work that includes countries that have experience in this area or wish to expand the ability to bring translated material to their CoDA fellowships.


This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ____ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

____ Other: __________________________________________________

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

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Motion made by 2023 CoDA Int'l Budget Finance Committee

Submitted Date: June 8th, 2022

Due 75 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Number: 1

Revision #: A (original version) Revision Date: 6/8/2022

Due 60 day prior to CoDA Service Conference (CSC)

Motion Name: Approval of the 2023 Budget for CoDA Int’l

Motion: We move that the CoDA Service Conference (CSC) approves the following 2023 budget for CoDA, Inc.:

$236,680 as a reasonable estimate for 2023 income

-$173,683 for 2023 Overhead expenses

-$115,256 for 2023 CSC expenses

-$55,937 for 2023 Face-to-Face meeting expenses


-$108,196 budget shortfall to be paid out of CoDA Inc. surplus savings

Intent, background, other pertinent information:

Income: The Finance Committee received input from both CoRE (royalty income) and the CoDA Board (7th tradition donations) before estimating the 2023 income.


• Overhead: All 2023 overhead expenses were provided by the CoDA Inc. Board after reviewing 2022 year-to-date expenses and special project expenses. 2023 Overhead budgeted expenses are almost the same as 2021 budgeted expenses except for $30K for additional service workers.

• CSC: Most of the 2023 CSC expenses were provided by the Events Committee based on previous CSC expenses and existing contractual obligations. These expenses also include a down payment on the 2024 CSC location. The CSC expenses also include expenses for each Chairperson to attend the CSC.

• F2F: All 2023 Face-to-Face (F2F) meeting expenses were based on 1 Board F2F, and 1 Committee F2F for Connections, Communications, Events and Finance. All F2F meetings were assumed to be before or after CSC. Estimates were prepared based on number of attendees, meal per diems, number of overnights and domestic/international travel estimates.

Shortfall: There is no “balanced budget” motion approved by the CSC delegates. Currently, we have ~$590,000 cash on hand ($340K above our approved prudent preserve aka “surplus”). This budget proposes to use some of this surplus to fund the expenses budgeted if, and only if, 2023 income is not sufficient.

Remember, if additional income comes in above the budget estimate, it will be applied to the expenses first, before using the surplus savings.

Also, our cash on hand is sitting in a savings account collecting very little interest. By spending some of the surplus, we are putting that extra money to work so it will benefit our fellowship.

This motion requires changes to: (please check any that apply)

_____ Bylaws ___ FSM P1 ____ FSM P2

____ FSM P3 ____ FSM P4 ____ FSM P5

____ Change of Responsibility

_X_ Other: ______________________________________

(Data Entry Use Only)

Motion result: _______________________________________

Please email to

(If you want assistance writing your motion, please send email to