Bifurcation of figure-eight choreographies

Hiroshi FUKUDA

(2019.01.09, 2024.6.18)

preprint2019, preprint2024

The following movies are periodic solutions bifurcated from the figure-eight choreographic solutions to the equation of motion

d2qi/dt2 = -∂U/∂qi, Ui>ju(qi-qj), i = 0,1,2.


Homogeneous potential

u(r) = -1/ra

D2h{S,M,μ} ← f8 a=0.9966; Dxy 

D2{μS,μM} ↼ D2h{S,M,μ} a=0.8460

D2{SM,μ} D2{CS,μ} ⇐ f8 a=1.3424

The Lennard-Jones potential

u(r) = -1/r6 + 1/r12

D2h{S,M,μ} ← α+ T=16.878; Dxy 

D2h{S,M,μ} ← α- T=14.836; Dxy 

D2{SM,μ} D2{CS,μ} ⇐ α+ T=16.111

D2{SM,μ} D2{CS,μ} ⇐ α- T=14.861

D6{μC,SM} ↼ α- T=14.595; Cx 

D6{μC,S} ↼ α+ T=18.615; C2 

C6C}D6{μC,S} T=19.020

C6h{CM,μ} ↼ α+ T=17.132; Cy 

D2{M,μ} C6h{CM,μ} at T=17.240 

C2{μ} C2{μ} C6h{CM,μ} at T=17.785