Resurrection Point

Book Review

Basic Details:

Book Title: Resurrection Point


Author: William Blackwell

Genre: dark fiction

Part of a series? No

Order in series: N/A

Best read after earlier books in series? N/A


Overall score:

I scored this book 4/5

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Short Summary of the book:

Reminiscing about your lost friend, you come across an old guy who resurrected his wife. The process worked, so why not for your friend? Or so his former girlfriend thought. And what happens next? What has it to do with lost treasure?

What I liked about the book:

I liked the suspense in the story, don’t read just before going to sleep.

What I didn’t like about the book:

I enjoyed the entire story.

My favourite bits in the book:

Difficult to say without giving away the story entirely.

My least favourite bits in the book:

Some areas were a little slow paced whereas the general pace of the book was fast.

Any further books in the series? Any more planned by this author?

This is a stand-alone book but the author has written many other books.

What books could this be compared to and why?

It is difficult to compare this book to others as it is not my general choice of genre.


In summary, I would recommend this book for the following readers:

Children No

Young Adult Possibly

Adult Yes

If you like dark stories this book may be the book for you.

I look forward to reading more books by this author.

Book Description by Author:

Author Byron Solstice lives an idyllic life; a beautiful girlfriend, a successful writing career, loyal friends, and a cute little home with a white picket fence on Prince Edward Island. Or so he thinks.

A manic preoccupation with writing takes a debilitating mental and physical toll on his health and love life with Akila Bartley. Under doctor's orders, he takes a break to try and rekindle the waning romance.

Unexpectedly, they witness a two-vehicle crash that leaves his best friend Elias Masters burning alive in a fiery metal grave. Events turn disastrous when, on a leisurely outing with Elias' girlfriend, they discover a strange old man at East Point Lighthouse who promises to resurrect Elias from the dead. Soon, Byron realizes he's pitted against forces far more powerful and destructive than any characters he's ever created in novels.

Along with seasoned Detective Clay Redmond, he embarks on a macabre and epic battle to save his friends and the small island from a terrifying and unspeakable evil.Author Byron Solstice lives an idyllic life; a beautiful girlfriend, a successful writing career, loyal friends, and a cute little home with a white picket fence on Prince Edward Island. Or so he thinks.

A manic preoccupation with writing takes a debilitating mental and physical toll on his health and love life with Akila Bartley. Under doctor's orders, he takes a break to try and rekindle the waning romance.

Unexpectedly, they witness a two-vehicle crash that leaves his best friend Elias Masters burning alive in a fiery metal grave. Events turn disastrous when, on a leisurely outing with Elias' girlfriend, they discover a strange old man at East Point Lighthouse who promises to resurrect Elias from the dead. Soon, Byron realizes he's pitted against forces far more powerful and destructive than any characters he's ever created in novels.

Along with seasoned Detective Clay Redmond, he embarks on a macabre and epic battle to save his friends and the small island from a terrifying and unspeakable evil.

About the Author:

Canadian dark fiction author William Blackwell studied journalism at Calgary's Mount Royal University and English literature at Vancouver's University of British Columbia. He worked as a journalist and a newspaper editor for many years before pursuing his passion for storytelling.

He's written many highly acclaimed books including Brainstorm, Nightmare's Edge, Phantom Rage, Poison Rage, Infected Rage, Assaulted Souls, Assaulted Souls II, Assaulted Souls III, Orgon Conclusion, Rule 14, Resurrection Point, Black Dawn, The End is Nigh, The Strap, Blood Curse, A Head for an Eye, Freaky Franky, The Dark Menace, and The Witch's Tombstone.

His work has been characterized as graphic, edgy, and at times terrifying. Currently living on a secluded acreage on Prince Edward Island, Blackwell finds much of his inspiration from Mother Nature, odd people, and wandering aimlessly around the globe.

In addition to penning novels full-time, Blackwell also writes colorful website content.

Resurrection Point, a dark tale about the horrifying consequences of experimenting with death and resurrection, is available FREE to news update subscribers. Click the link below to read the musings of a meandering mind and download your FREE ebook instantly:

Follow Blackwell on Twitter: @wblackwell333.

Thanks for stopping by.Author Byron Solstice lives an idyllic life; a beautiful girlfriend, a successful writing career, loyal friends, and a cute little home with a white picket fence on Prince Edward Island. Or so he thinks.

A manic preoccupation with writing takes a debilitating mental and physical toll on his health and love life with Akila Bartley. Under doctor's orders, he takes a break to try and rekindle the waning romance.

Unexpectedly, they witness a two-vehicle crash that leaves his best friend Elias Masters burning alive in a fiery metal grave. Events turn disastrous when, on a leisurely outing with Elias' girlfriend, they discover a strange old man at East Point Lighthouse who promises to resurrect Elias from the dead. Soon, Byron realizes he's pitted against forces far more powerful and destructive than any characters he's ever created in novels.

Along with seasoned Detective Clay Redmond, he embarks on a macabre and epic battle to save his friends and the small island from a terrifying and unspeakable evil. Author Byron Solstice lives an idyllic life; a beautiful girlfriend, a successful writing career, loyal friends, and a cute little home with a white picket fence on Prince Edward Island. Or so he thinks.

A manic preoccupation with writing takes a debilitating mental and physical toll on his health and love life with Akila Bartley. Under doctor's orders, he takes a break to try and rekindle the waning romance.

Unexpectedly, they witness a two-vehicle crash that leaves his best friend Elias Masters burning alive in a fiery metal grave. Events turn disastrous when, on a leisurely outing with Elias' girlfriend, they discover a strange old man at East Point Lighthouse who promises to resurrect Elias from the dead. Soon, Byron realizes he's pitted against forces far more powerful and destructive than any characters he's ever created in novels.

Along with seasoned Detective Clay Redmond, he embarks on a macabre and epic battle to save his friends and the small island from a terrifying and unspeakable evil.