Forget Me Not

Book Review

Basic Details:

Book Title: Forget Me Not

Subtitle: (Summit Lake Thriller, #1)

Author: Kristen Middleton

Genre: Thriller/Crime

Part of a series? Yes

Order in series: 1

Best read after earlier books in series?


Overall score:

I scored this book 5/5

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Short Summary of the book:

Single Mum Amanda returns to her childhood home with her young son to start her life again. Having lost her first husband to a stroke, she has now inherited money and a cabin from her first husband after a tragic accident. Strange things happen around her when a young man blames her for his unhappiness and vows to make her pay. Will she fall victim to his games and revenge?

What I liked about the book:

I liked the book in its entirety. There was plenty of suspense and I was kept on my toes the entire time.

What I didn’t like about the book:

There wasn’t anything I didn’t like about the book.

My favourite bits in the book:

When it looks like Amanda may be given a second chance of love.

My least favourite bits in the book:

When we find out the reason behind the suspense.

Any further books in the series? Any more planned by this author?

The #1 suggests this may be the first book in the series and I would definitely be interested where the story leads from here. The author has written other books I enjoyed too.

What books could this be compared to and why?

It is difficult to think of which book to compare this to. With the number of books read, they all blur into one at times. But I definitely loved this book.


In summary, I would recommend this book for the following readers:

Children No

Young Adult Possibly

Adult Yes

If you like crime novels and thrillers, this book may be the book for you.

Book Description by Author:

You'll pay for what you've done...

When a deranged lunatic starts targeting single mom, Amanda Schultz, with threatening letters and "presents" on her doorstep, she turns to the police, who offer advice but no real help. At the mercy of a psychopath, Amanda realizes she's in a game of cat-and-mouse, where the killer keeps changing the rules and the winner... is the only one left standing.

Language, violence, and adult situations.

Warning - reference to sexual abuse but no graphic details.

About the Author:

NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, Kristen Middleton, is from the Midwest and not only enjoys writing, but connecting with her readers. Kristen also writes gritty biker books under the name Cassie Alexandra. She is also involved with raising money to help locate missing and exploited children, helping other authors succeed by sharing what she's learned in the self-publishing industry, and volunteering resources or her time whenever she can. "Besides having a passion for writing, I adore children, suspenseful movies, watching Shameless and The Walking Dead, traveling, Moscato wine, Chianti Grill, Savoy Pizza, and meeting new friends."