Her Majesty's Harem

Book Review

Basic Details:

Book Title: Her Majesty's Harem

Subtitle: (Her Royal Harem #1)

Author: N.J. Adel

Genre: Erotic fiction/BDSM

Part of a series? Yes

Order in series: 1st

Best read after earlier books in series? N/A

Available: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40744733-her-majesty-s-harem

Overall score:

I scored this book 4/5

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Short Summary of book:

This book tells the story of a queen, whose only way of enjoying the pleasures of the flesh is to use her subjects. The only way to do this safely is after selection of eligible men and engage in the activity in the presence of her guards. They watch and ensure her safety. The men she is pleasured by are blindfolded so they can’t see her body or her face. She is a dominatrix who graves the touch of the man she loves, she can, however, not have him.

What I liked about the book:

I particularly liked the energy between the queen and her guards.

What I didn’t like about the book:

I wasn’t impressed by the length of the book, it is a very short book, which can be read in one or maybe two hours. It was rather flat in places.

My favourite bits in the book:

I loved the occasions where the electricity between the queen and her guards was that strong you could nearly feel it.

My least favourite bits in the book:

Unable to tell you without a major spoiler alert.

Any further books in the series? Any more planned by this author?

I understand the second book is due to be released in October 2018 and a third is to follow after that.

What books could this be compared to and why?

This book reminded me of other erotic/BDSM type books I have read, it is not up to the standards of ’Fifty Shades of Grey’ though.


In summary I would recommend this book for the following readers:



Young Adult

If 18+



If you like erotic fiction this book is the book for you.

I look forward to reading more books by this author.

Book description by author:

"I wish I could see their eyes. The way they squeeze shut. How they roll back.

But they're always blindfolded.

For my own safety, of course.

Unlike what others might think, the Queen can't do however she pleases.

Fucking commoners is simply too dangerous. Playing with them while my guards watch, though..."

To satisfy her dominant sexual urges without ruining her reputation, Her Majesty plays with blindfolded, submissive men for her pleasure.

While her guards watch.

Not only does she enjoy having multiple men-her reverse harem-touching her and making her come, but also she enjoys torturing her personal escorts, Sir Quinlan and Sir Edward, by making them watch, knowing they both have feelings for her.

But what if the heart of this queen domme belongs to one of them as well? Is this sadist tortured, too, that she can't have what sexually satisfies her the most? Her own soldiers?

Read Her Majesty's reverse harem sexy erotic story to find out.

Her Majesty's Harem is a Reverse Harem erotic short story that is first in a series.

Next in line "Her Majesty and the Virgin"available for pre-order now. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GCZKN4J

Warning: this story is erotic with explicit sex scenes, language and hints of BDSM

About the author:

N. J. Adel is a cross genre author. From dark women's fiction to sci-fi and fantasy. From sexy short stories to full-length literary books. She loves it all.

She teaches English by day and writes fun smut by night with her German Shepherd, Leo.