Dealing with Early Onset Alzheimer's

Book Review

Basic Details:

Book Title: Dealing with Early Onset Alzheimer's

Subtitle: Love, Laughter & Tears

Author: Sonia Discher

Genre: Memoir

Part of a series? No

Order in series:

Best read after earlier books in series? N/A


Overall score:

I scored this book 4/5

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Short Summary of the book:

This book follows the author and her family as they come to terms with the unexpected diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer’s dementia. A harrowing diagnosis for all those affected by it, whether as a sufferer or loved one. The author describes the good days and the bad and also includes some tips for those who have to go through the same trials and tribulations. Although the outcome is known, all journeys to the endpoint are different and personal. The author describes this journey in a relatable and uplifting manner. That doesn’t mean there were no tears shed while reading the book.

What I liked about the book:

The positive position the author and her family took throughout the journey. Always looking at a positive and make every day count and as enjoyable as possible.

What I didn’t like about the book:

Initially the book was somewhat distant and only relating what they went through in a factual manner. This was only at the start though.

My favourite bits in the book:

The positive ways in which the author continued to communicate with her husband. Give something a slightly different interpretation and the problem is manageable.

My least favourite bits in the book:

The book was interesting in its entirety.

Any further books in the series? Any more planned by this author?

I believe this is a stand-alone book.

What books could this be compared to and why?

This book is partially a memoire and partially a self-help book. It gives some valuable tips to people going through a similar situation.


In summary, I would recommend this book for the following readers:

Children No

Young Adult Maybe

Adult Yes

If you like memoires, this book may be the book for you.

I look forward to reading more books by this author.

Book Description by Author:

Dealing with Early Onset Alzheimer's: Love, Laughter & Tears is Sonia Discher's heartbreaking but empowering story of caring for her husband, Steve. The story follows Steve's diagnosis with Early Onset Alzheimer's at age 50 through treatment, care and his passing. Sonia provides a look behind the curtain of this terrible sickness to reveal a treasure trove of tips and tricks she did to understand the disease, advocate for her husband, care for her family and preserve her sanity throughout a confusing and sad time.

Functional, day-to-day tips about early warning signs, medication levels, and how to address doctors, nurses and other professional caregivers (among many other areas such as long-term care and hospital stays) are some of the valuable examples included in this personal story.

Minimize the fear of caring for someone with dementia. Preserve the caregiver’s sanity with personal, functional tips to understand and cope with the disease.

From our family to yours.

God bless you in your journey, knowing you aren't alone.

About the Author:

Sonia moved from England to Canada in 1969. After schooling, she spent the majority of her career working as a Project Control Coordinator, scheduling and monitoring the engineering jobs across the site at Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories.

When her husband was diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer’s, Sonia dedicated her time trying to find a way to keep him alive and give him the best quality of life possible. Steve passed away in 2017.

Based on the struggles and challenges they faced during his illness, Sonia decided to write her first book “Dealing with Early Onset Alzheimer’s; Love, Laughter & Tears”.


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