The Gingerbread Houses

Book Review

Basic Details:

Book Title: The Gingerbread Houses

Subtitle: A Charlie Bars Thriller (The Charlie Bars Thriller Series Book 3)

Author: Benedict J Jones

Genre: Mystery/crime

Part of a series? Yes

Order in series: 3

Best read after earlier books in series? N0


Overall score:

I scored this book 5/5

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Short Summary of the book:

This book tells the story of Charlie, a guy who has had his brushes with the law and done time for it. Now his life has been turned around while he tries to live a clean life without crime. Solving missing persons cases is what he chooses, but this lands him, his partner and his love interest in hot water.

What I liked about the book:

I particularly liked the suspense in this book. This book discussed a difficult subject of child sexual exploitation and the role of some senior people in the country in this.

What I didn’t like about the book:

I liked the book in its entirety.

My favourite bits in the book:

I loved where Charlie appeared to be the underdog but still came out on top.

My least favourite bits in the book:

I didn’t like it when the only way to keep Charlie out of prison led to the possible death of his relationship and his girlfriend’s career.

Any further books in the series? Any more planned by this author?

I understand this is the third book in the series and I suspect more will follow.

What books could this be compared to and why?

This book reminded me of other crime and spy novels.


In summary, I would recommend this book for the following readers:

Children No

Young Adult Probably not

Adult Yes

If you like Crime and mystery this book could be the book for you.

I look forward to reading more books by this author.

Book Description by Author:


A dark secret lies at the heart of the British government; a secret so appalling that they will kill to protect it.

Charlie Bars is back in London and has taken on a missing persons case. Easy money –or so he thinks. The man he is looking for is inextricably linked to the evil perpetrated in the Gingerbread Houses and as Charlie's search progresses, he finds himself drawn into the seedy underbelly of the capital; a world of abuse, exploitation and deviancy that threatens to destroy his soul.

Others are looking for the missing man too and hunter soon becomes hunted as Charlie finds himself the target of an insane torturer haunted by the ghosts of his military past.

As he descends into the darkest depths of human depravity, Charlie desperately tries to stay out of prison, on the right side of his morality and, most importantly, alive as he seeks to uncover the buried secrets of the Gingerbread Houses.Christian Hunt, the suave and sexy real estate mogul, has been released on probation, under the stipulation he attend eight months of anger management therapy. Jessica Gold is the psychiatrist he has sought out for his sessions, although he has made it clear that he has no interest in discussing the issues that brought him to her office. The sizzling attraction that develops between these two broken petals soon blossoms into a dark and obsessive love that will not allow anything or anyone to stand in its way, and things take a deadly turn after that love is unexpectedly threatened.

About the Author: