Look for Me Under the Rainbow

This book written by Bernard Jan was a great read.

Just finished Look for Me Under the Rainbow as early reader.

Another great book by this Croatian writer with a powerful message regarding conservation/animal protection/environment. Certainly worth reading.

This book follows the story of a little seal pup Danny and his family and shows us the dangers that lurk out there for them. Not only in the form of natural challenges, but also very much so in the form of what we as humans throw their way. From the thoughtless killing of seal pups for their skins, just leaving their flesh to rot, to our fishing nets in which they can get tangled and killed.

A moving story, which also shows the heartache of the humans as part of the rainbow warriors, who try to do what they can to protect and save them.

Worth getting.

The blurp for this book is as follows:

Danny, a curious harp seal pup, has soft white fur and black innocent eyes. Helen is an environmentalist and member of a young activist crew of the Rainbow Warriors. Their mission is to save animals.

As winter turns into spring, a new generation of seal pups comes to life. A few weeks later, the killing begins. Against a spectacular backdrop of ice and snow, Helen prepares to look horrific human cruelty in the face.

I do not doubt I have a big heart and burning desire, but is that enough for a person to become a Rainbow Warrior, or is there something better? Something only some of us manage to turn into what we have long missed—humanity.

In the race against time and clubs, will Helen save Danny before the hunt begins and the ice turns red?

Though written for younger readers, Look for Me Under the Rainbow will appeal to anyone who cherishes our beautiful planet and wishes to protect its treasures.

Updated Review:

Basic Details:

Book Title: Look for Me Under the Rainbow


Author: Bernard Jan

Genre: Young Adult/Contemporary

Part of a series? No

Order in series: N/A

Best read after earlier books in series? N/A

Available: Links available at Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39870407-look-for-me-under-the-rainbow

Overall score:

I scored this book 5/5

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Short Summary of the book:

This book tells the story of a young seal pup Danny with a big heart. His mother is very protective of him following previous unpleasant experiences. She also adopts an orphan pup, which Danny adopts as his little brother.

It tells the story of the many challenges young seal pups face in the form of nature, man and man-made threats.

It also follows the story of the Rainbow warriors and tells the story of the Rainbow from both the seal’s and from the human side. A brilliant book that is certainly worth the read.

What I liked about the book:

I particularly liked the way the author described the relationship between Danny, his mother and his adoptive brother. The love between them is palpable in the author’s words. This book is a call to action to save the seals and the environment around us.

What I didn’t like about the book:

The only thing I did not like about the book was the fact that we were confronted with the fact what effect our lax behaviour towards the environment has on the wildlife around us. It is a fact we do need to be confronted with, though.

My favourite bits in the book:

I loved the entire book. Although it is aimed at young readers, this is also very suitable for adults and children might also enjoy it with guidance.

My least favourite bits in the book:

I didn’t like it when the inevitable happened. It was described very well, but wouldn’t we all have loved if the seals had been saved?

Any further books in the series? Any more planned by this author?

This book is not part of a series, but the author has also released another book which shows his love for animals, entitled ‘A World Without Color’. Both books show his amazing storytelling talent and his love for animals and the world around us.

What books could this be compared to and why?

I have not come across any books similar to this one yet, although I’m sure there must be some around.


In summary, I would recommend this book for the following readers:

Children: Perhaps with guidance

Young Adult: Yes

Adult: Yes

This book has the potential to awaken the world to the horrible effects of pollution on the animal world around us. Just like the recent BBC series ‘Blue Planet 2’ by David Attenborough got the world in arms over the plastics epidemic, this book has the potential to do something similar as well as gathering support to save the seals from unnecessary slaughter.

I look forward to reading more books by this author.

Book Description by the Author:

Sometimes all you need is a big heart and burning desire.

Danny, a curious harp seal pup, has soft white fur and black innocent eyes. Helen is an environmentalist and member of a young activist crew of the Rainbow Warriors. Their mission is to save animals.

As winter turns into spring, a new generation of seal pups comes to life. A few weeks later, the killing begins. Against a spectacular backdrop of ice and snow, Helen prepares to look horrific human cruelty in the face.

I do not doubt I have a big heart and burning desire, but is that enough for a person to become a Rainbow Warrior, or is there something better? Something only some of us manage to turn into what we have long missed—humanity.

In the race against time and clubs, will Helen save Danny before the hunt begins and the ice turns red?

Though written for younger readers, Look for Me Under the Rainbow will appeal to anyone who cherishes our beautiful planet and wishes to protect its treasures.

Buy this book by Bernard Jan, the author of A World Without Color, and experience another emotional journey.

About the Author:

Born in Zagreb, Croatia

Website: https://www.bernardjan.com/

Twitter: BernardJanWorld

Genre: Mystery, Young Adult, Contemporary

"There is no greater joy than to share what you love with those who appreciate it." - Bernard Jan

Bernard Jan is an author – a novelist and a poet – from Croatia, seeking representation of a literary agent for his work translated into English.

His first books have been written at the beginning of war in Croatia in 1991, amidst the air alerts and illusory attempts when he wanted to believe and think that life is normal, that everything is alright with the world.

In his lifespan he has written and published five novels, two novellas, one book of poems and an essay in Croatian. Four of his manuscripts, together with his book of poems, are translated into English and are available for representation and publication.

Bernard Jan has been a member of the Croatian Writers' Association since December 30, 2003.

His passion for entertainment resulted in his becoming a partner of Tom's Music Place, which was established in 2009 by his friend Thomas Carley Jr. with the goal to respect the music.

Jan's need to help others came to the fore during his volunteering years: first in advocating for environmental protection, and then his volunteering, activism, work and advocacy for animal rights to the present day. He did some volunteering for the refugees, too, because suffering does not know about the borders and when it comes within your reach, in your yard, you simply have to do something.

As part of his animal advocacy activities, Bernard Jan has translated "Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust" by Charles Patterson into Croatian language.

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