Current options 

Spring 21

IiVP Customized Projects with Alumni Mentors

Marco Macoratti (Mondi Group)           

Student Profile: Students majoring in Marketing and/or Information Science, Business, Economics or other relevant disciplines, as well as all committed students with a high interest in sustainability and business. 

Marco Macoratti (Mondi Group)                                                                                                                                                        

Student Profile: Students majoring in Marketing and/or Information Science, Business, Economics or other relevant disciplines, as well as all committed students with a high interest in sustainability and business. 

Carina Kamptner (Summer Universities)

Student Profile: Students majoring in Marketing and/ or relevant disciplines, as well as all students in Engineering, Business, Economics and/or relevant disciplines.

Magdalena Stern (SOS Mitmensch/human rights pressure group) 

Student Profile: Up to six undergraduate students in political science and/or relevant disciplines--preference given to European Union Center BA/MA students. German language skills preferred but not required.

Anna-Teresa Reiter (Thus Agency

Student Profile: Students in political science, economics, business studies and/or other relevant disciplines.

Katharina Kurzmann (Station Wien)

Student Profile: Students across a variety of academic disciplines who are interested in sharing their knowledge and gaining teaching experience. Possible fields are (but not limited to): English, German, mathematics, science, etc.

Bruce Murray, Illinois Professor of German Studies (ret.)

Student Profile: Undergraduate students in environmental science and/or relevant disciplines

Student Profile: Undergraduate student in any area—preference given to students who have experience in teaching or want to gain experience in / obtain insight into teaching.

Renée McCormack, Family Nurse Practitioner (American International School Vienna

Student Profile: Students in any relevant disciplines (Health Sciences, MCB, Sociology, Economics, Business etc.) 

Please complete the short Project Proposal form found on the LAS Website!
(Scrolling down to Customized Projects)