Battle of the Windmill National Historic Site, Windmill Rd, Prescott, ON K0E 1T1


After the 1837 Rebellions many rebels fled to the United States where a few joined American sympathizers in a new attempt to overthrow British rule in Canada. On 12 November 1838 they landed 190 men here and seized this windmill and nearby buildings. The local people remained loyal, reporting to their militia units; in a few days 2,000 militia and regulars, supported by naval vessels, besieged the mill. Although British guns did little damage to the mill, the insurgents, seeing no escape, surrended on the 16th. Eleven were later executed and 60 exiled to Australia


The invaders were part of Hunter-Patriot groups, often called Hunter’s Lodges.  They initially attacked Prescott but found the town militia waiting for them as their plans had been revealed.  They then moved on to Windmill Point and seized it.  They were attacked on all sides by British troops, colonial militia, the Royal Navy and even the US Navy.

86 of those interred were later pardoned and released.

It is interesting to see, again, that the Loyalists were to take up arms to defend the British allegiance as their grandparents had done in the 13 colonies.