Militia Garrison


In the northeast corner of City Park, on the West Street side, Kingston, east of the Cricket Field


Commemorating the services of the first permanent Militia Garrison of Kingston, assembled by Lieutenant-Colonel R. H. Bonnycastle to defend this city during the Upper Canada Rebellion.  The mobilization saved Kingston from invasion since the regular forces had been sent to Lower Canada.  The troops used this area as their drill ground.

Queen’s Maritime Artillery 2nd and 3rd Prince Edward

Perth Artillery 1st and 2nd Addington

Frontenac Light Dragoons 2nd Lennox

1st and 2nd Addington Light Dragoons Belleville Rifles

1st Hastings Light Dragoons Independent Companies

1st and 2nd Frontenac Tyendinaga Mohawks


When regular forces were dispatched to Lower Canada in 1837-38, supporters of Mackenzie's rebellion congregated on Hickory Island, intending to attack the undefended city of Kingston. Their plan was thwarted by Richard Bonnycastle who quickly assembled a number of militia regiments to defend the city.

Richard Bonnycastle was an army engineer who served in the Napoleonic Wars in Europe before coming to North America as a first lieutenant during the War of 1812.  At the end of that conflict, he was promoted to Captain and served with the British Army that occupied France after the defeat of Napoleon.

He then returned to North America as a royal engineer in Upper Canada.  He happened to be in the Kingston area when the rebels prepared to attack.  For his work in defeating that raid, he was knighted.  He went on to supervise the construction of Fort Henry.