Just pass the Silver Star aircraft at the NAV Centre Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Control Operations - about the best place to park is at the school.   The plaque is in a grassy area on the other side of Glen-Stor-Dun Lodge.  Google Maps will take you to the staff parking lot behind the home.  Contiue around to the west.  The plaque is just to your west (right if you face the river).


This property formed part of the extensive lands granted to Capt. Samuel Anderson, U.E.L, one of the first persons to settle on the site of Cornwall.  Born in England of Irish parents, he served with the British forces during the Seven Years War.  At the outbreak of the American Revolution Anderson was imprisoned by the rebels after he refused a commission in the Continental Army.  He escaped in 1776 and was appointed a captain in the 1st Battalion K.R.R.N.Y.  He became a justice of the peace for this area in 1785 and later served as the first judge of the Eastern District.


Anderson was born near Boston in the colony of Massachusetts to Irish immigrants.