Lesson 7
8-А 10.04,8-Б,8-В 09.04

Geographical Outlook

Today we'll start new topic! We are going to talk about different countries and cities, travelling and visiting places of interest. Be ready - you will need your knowledge on Geography! Let's start and have some fun!

First of all open your book, p.200, ex.1(письмово)! Read the words and divide them into 3 columns:
Capital cities Countries Continents

Щоб знати як правильно вимовляти слова, зайди в Google Translator, введи потрібне слово і клікни 🔊

Now look at the map of the world and find these geographical names on it!

Next task is ex.2, p.200(усно) - here we'll check how good you are at geography - you have to find the correct answers in the box on p.200! Check yourself by clicking on the arrow on the right!

1.Which country lies between Mexico and Canada?

the USA

2.What's the capital of France?


3.Where is Edinburgh?

in Scotland

4.Do you know any states in America that start with the letter "M"?

Montana, Michigan

5.What' the longest river in Africa?

the Nile

6.What' the largest continent?


7.What's the smallest continent?


8.What's the name of the sea between Italy and Croatia?

the Adriatic Sea

9.What's the name of the ocean between Africa and Australia?

the Indian Ocean

10.What is the name of the mountain range in the west of North America?

the Rocky Mountains

11.Where is Dublin?

in Ireland

12.Where does a person who is Dutch come from?

from the Netherlands or Holland

13.What's the name of the river that flows through London?

the Thames

Now let's get to ex.4, p.202(усно) - you have to match the words to their meanings. Check yourself by clicking on the arrow on the right!

1.g 2.h 3.b 4.f 5.c 6.e 7.d 8.a

And now it's grammar time!
Сьогодні ми поговоримо про використання означеного артикля "the" з географічними назвами.
Переглянь відео і запиши у зошит, з якими географічними назвами "the" вживається, а з якими ні!

Опрацюй табличку на ст.201 і допиши ту інформацію, якої не було у відео!

Now let's check how attentive you were while working with the video and the table!
Look at ex.3, p.201(письмово) and put in "the" where necessary!
Check yourself by clicking on the arrow on the right!

1.London lies on the river Thames.
2.The Danube is the longest river in Europe.
3.France is also in European Union.
4.Switzerland has three official languages: French, German and Italian.
5.Odesa is a port on the Black sea.
6.The ocean between Europe and America is the Atlantic Ocean.
7.Many tourists visit Michigan every year.

You did really great today! Keep it up!

Your homework is to fill in "the" where necessary (письмово, скорочено, наприклад: 1.the, 2.- і т.д.):
1. They visited a village in ... Andes.
2. Have you ever seen ... Mount Fuji?
3. ... Azores are a group of islands in the Atlantic.
4. She went to ... United Kingdom to study English.
5. They drove round ...Corsica.
6. ... Australia is a really enormous place.
7. What countries share aborder with ... Norway?
8. ... Greece gets very, very hot in the summer.
9. ... Baffin Island is part of Canada.
10. I've never been to ... United States.
11. We went to ... Republic of Ireland and stayed in Dublin.
12. ... Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
13. She always loved skiing in ... Alps.
14. He used to work in ... India.
15. I often go on holiday to ... Canary Islands.
16. Does ... England have many big cities?

Чекаємо фото виконаних завдань до 14.04!

Усі повідомлення відправляти не пізніше 17:00!

Good luck!