


Hi guys! Today we are going to visit the USA and its biggest city - New York. You'll find out a lot of interesting information to complete the test at the end of the lesson successfully. Ready? let's start right now!

First, watch this video and find the answers to the following questions:

1) What is the nickname of New York?

2) What is the heart of NY?

3) What is the most famous park of NY?

Click here to check your answers

  1. Big Apple

  2. Manhattan

  3. Central Park

Read the texts carefully to get more information:

ex. 4 (p.168)

ex. 7 (p.169)

WB p. 97-99

Do the test. Важливо! Тест необхідно виконати 5 травня - до наступного уроку англійської мови! Ти маєш лише одну спробу проходження тесту! Be attentive! Good luck!!!

Ex.1 (p.171) - за бажанням

Надіслати до наступного уроку!