Lesson 20
8-А, 8-Π‘, 8-Π’ 26.05

Hi againπŸ˜‰How are you today? I hope you are full of energy to start the new lesson!
Today we are going to read an inspiring real life story about an amazing woman who could achieve a lot and made her dream come true. So good luck and let's startπŸ™‚

So open your books, p.233-235! What is the title og the story? That's right! 'Nellie Bly'!
Before starting reading the text work with the 'Vocabulary box' and the new words at the bottom of p.234. Also learn to pronounce the proper names in the box in ex.1, p.233 correctly! Well done!

Look through the text and find the names of all the geographical names in it!
Check yourself by clicking on the arrow on the right! Great job!

the Pacific Ocean
the Mediterranean Sea
New Jersey
San Francisco
the Red Sea
the Suez Canal
the Indian Ocean

Now read the text and put the sentences in the right order:

  • Then she went across the Indian Ocean to China and Japan.

  • Elizabeth began to write exciting stories.

  • Elizabeth needed a job.

  • She went around the world faster than any other person.

  • Nellie Bly was not liked by everybody.

  • Joseph Pulitzer gave her job.

  • Elizabeth needed a job.

  • Elizabeth began to write exciting stories.

  • Nellie Bly was not liked by everybody.

  • Joseph Pulitzer gave her job.

  • Then she went across the Indian Ocean to China and Japan.

  • She went around the world faster than any other person.

And the last task for today - do a quick test to check how well did you understand the text! Good luck!

You can also watch videos to get to know about Nellie Bly and her journey around the world more!

You've worked really great today! Well done!