05.05 - 5В

My country is Ukraine

Hello again! We are continuing speaking about our country. Today we are going to speak about different places which Ukrainians and foreign tourists like to visit in Ukraine.

Ukraine is the largest country in Europe. We have a unique mixture of attractions - the seaside, mountains, kilometers of rivers and lakes, marvelous cities and authentic countryside. Ukraine is beautiful and safe to visit. Every year we host thousands of festivals, sporting events, and music performances.

Read the questions and answer them: (усно)

What is the official language of our country?

What is the main river of our country?

What large cities and towns of Ukraine do you know?

What are the colours of our flag?

What seas are there in Ukraine?

What mountains are there in Ukraine?

What are interesting places to visit in Ukraine?

What is the capital of Ukraine?

Do you know how Kyiv took its name? Let`s read ex. 6, p. 221.

And now play a game. А зараз пограй - перетягни слова у реченнях на правильне місце.

Ukraine is the land of traditions. We have celebrated Easter recently. Let`s play and refresh the information about this holiday.

You have done a lot of work today! It's a great job!

Your hometask is ex. 5, p. 221 - introduce your country, use the words from the box.

Ваше домашнє завдання - впр. 5, с. 221 - представ свою країну, використовуючи слова з довідки. Вправу треба виконати письмово, записуючи повні відповіді на запитання. Питання не переписувати.