


State System of Ukraine

We are all citizens of Ukraine. In my opinion a man can’t live outside a state. The life of citizens depends on the political system of the state. Every citizen has to know everything about it. That’s why our theme today is Political systems of the world. Today we will talk about the main parts of different political systems.

First of all , let's learn new words.

an anthem - гімн

awareness - усвідомлення

a court - суд

disarmament - роззброєння

a division - поділ

a law - закон

to elect - обирати

Look at words and write out new words. ( page 226)

Look through the text "The State Of Ukraine"

Read out information about

  • the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Ukraine

  • the All-Ukrainian Referendum

  • the National emblem

  • the National flag

Let's listen the text and complete the sentences ( Ex.3,p.227)

Your hometask

Do the test

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