07.05 - 5А, 5Б

Planning a trip. My country is Ukraine

Hello again!!! I hope you are great today!!! So, let's start our new lesson.

At first let's revise some grammar material which you learnt at the last lesson.

Past Simple

yesterday, last week, five days ago, in 1995

Present Perfect

already, just, yet, ever, never, this week, since,for, today, recently

Let`s do ex. 3, p. 217 and read the sentences choosing the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Open your book, page 219.

Write down the words from the Vocabulary Box into your vocabularies.

advice - порада,

agency - агенство, бюро,

dish - страва,

trip - дорога; шлях, поїздка,

to book the hotel - забронювати готель

Let's imagine that you are going on a trip around the country.

Коли ми плануємо якусь подорож, то маємо багато справ! Як думаєте, що потрібно зробити перед тим, як відправитись в подорож?

Let's read the information for the travellers in Ukraine.

Ex. 7, page 218 - read the article and translate.

If it is difficult for you - watch the video (перші 4 хвилини) and try again.

You've done it! Good Job!

Next task is to make sentences about Bill (as in the example) using Present Perfect.

  1. Bill plans an interesting cultural programme for travelling in Ukraine.

Check yourself 1

Bill has planned an interesting cultural programme for travelling in Ukraine.

2. Bill takes short trips around the country by bus or train.

Check yourself 2

Bill has taken short trips around the country by bus or train.

3. He prepares for other kind of meal.

Check yourself 3

He has prepared for other kind of meal.

Ukraine is the largest country in Europe. We have a unique mixture of attractions - the seaside, mountains, kilometers of rivers and lakes, marvelous cities and authentic countryside. Ukraine is beautiful and safe to visit. Every year we host thousands of festivals, sporting events, and music performances.

Do you know how Kyiv took its name? Let`s read ex. 6, p. 221.

And now play a game. А зараз пограй - перетягни слова у реченнях на правильне місце.

You have done a lot of work today! It's a great job!

Your hometask is ex. 5, p. 221 - introduce your country, use the words from the box.

Ваше домашнє завдання - впр. 5, с. 221 - представ свою країну, використовуючи слова з довідки. Вправу треба виконати письмово, записуючи повні відповіді на запитання. Питання не переписувати.