
10 -A


Your attitude to sport

1. “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it or work around it.”

– Michael Jordan, former professional basketball player

Real sportsmen are very strong people. They never give up. Let's learn more about sports and sportsmen.

Watch this video and write out 7-8 new phrases for you

Do ex.1,p.198 ( усно)

Answer the questions

Ex.2,p.198 ( письмово, відправ вчителю)

Write new words into vocabulary

page 198

Ex.3,p.198-199 Read the young people's opinions

Find in the text English equivalent

Я б краще зустрівся з моїми товаришами у пабі-

Це просто марна трата часу -

Моє життя було б нудним без цього-

Ти маєш слідкувати,що члени твоєї команди роблять-

Read ex.6, p.201 and write 4-5 sentences about your attitude to sport. ( Відправ вчителю)

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