
Dear friends, summer holidays will begin soon!!! Everyone enjoys summer holidays very much. It is a great pleasure to have a rest after a whole year of hard work or study. People like to travel during their summer holidays. Some people go abroad to see new countries, some people prefer to go to the country-side to enjoy country-life far from noise and fuss of big cities.

Let's see how you will spend your summer holidays. Do this funny test

Do you like the result?

You have a lot of free time in summer. You can rest, meet your friends, spend time at the seaside, but don't avoid self-development.

These sites will help you to improve your English.

Let's do some tasks from this site . Review grammar tenses

Review irregular verbs

This site is very helpful

This site is full of interesting and useful games

For example, you can practise Weather vocabulary

I wish you to have fun during summer holidays


don't forget to practise speaking English