
International organisations

Today we'll get to know more about international organisations. And especially about The Council of Europe.(Рада Європи)

The Council of Europe is an international organisation whose stated aim is to uphold human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe. Founded in 1949, it has 47 member states, with a population of approximately 820 million, and operates with an annual budget of approximately 500 million euros.

The organisation is distinct from the 27-nation European Union (EU), although it is sometimes confused with it, partly because the EU has adopted the original European Flag which was created by the Council of Europe in 1955, as well as the European Anthem. No country has ever joined the EU without first belonging to the Council of Europe. The Council of Europe is an official United Nations Observer.

And I suggest you to watch how our Ukrainian deputy spoke in European Union session.What was the aim of his speech? How do you think?

Let's learn new words. Their transcriptions you can see in a book on p.235

an affair - справа

a guideline - директива, рекомендація

headquarters - штаб-квартира, командування

an integration - обєднання

jurisdiction - судочинство

justice - справедливість

labour -праця,трудовий

a procedure - процедура

violation - порушення, зневажання

to concern - турбувати

to defend - захищати

to promote - сприяти

legal - правовий, законний

human right - право людини

Now listen about The Council of Europe and name the main areas of its activity.


Ex.2 (b) p.235.Listen again and complete the table. The text above also can help you to fill in the table. (письмово)

Now I want you revise the using of Gerund and Infinitive.And do a test.

Зайдіть за посиланням. Ви побачите речення, в яких треба записати правильний варіант Infinitive (дієслово з to ) Gerund(дієслово з закінченням ing ). Ці речення взяті з пісень, щоб послухати клікніть на аудіо, які там розташовані. Запишіть правильний варіант.

Ex.3 p.234 (письмово)

For ZNO preparation