
Hello everyone! Do you know that English is the most popular language in the world? Over 400 million people use English as their first language.

There are also more than 700 million people who speak English as a foreign language. Today we'll learn more about English -speaking countries.

Watch the video and answer the question:

What English - speaking countries do you know?

Open your book on p.187-188 ex.3 and read the information about these countries.

Для того, щоб ви краще запам'ятали про англомовні країни, пропоную пограти в ігри, які доможуть тобі успішно пройти тест. У іграх використана інформація із вправи, яку ви щойно прочитали p.187-188 ex.3.

Do the test. Good luck!!!


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