Lesson 12
8-А, 8-Б, 8-В 28.04

Hello🙂 Are you ready to start our new lesson? We'll do some interesting tasks today and at the end of the lesson you'll have to do the test! So good luck and let's start😉

I want to start with a beautiful poem of the famous Scottish novelist and travel writer Robert Louis Stevenson. You may know him for his most noted work 'Treasure Island'.
So click the button 'Foreighn Lands' on the right and listen to the poem. Then click the button Task on the left and fill in the missing words from the box!

Click "Finish" and "Check my answers" to check yourself!

Now I will ask you to open your book, ex.1, p.220(усно) - answer the questions! You can send your answers to your teacher by voice message in Viber. Unfortunately we can only imagine ourselves travelling now... But it can be interesting and fun too!

The next task is ex.2, p.220-22(усно) - you have to listen(button Audio 1) to the dialogue between John and Terry and after that say if the statements below are true or false. You can check yourself by clicking on the arrow on the right!

1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.F 8.T

And one more listening task(письмово) for today! Click on buttons Page 1 and Page 2 and also on button Audio 2, listen and do the tasks:

  • task 1 - listen, read and find the countries on the map

  • task 2 - read or listen again and correct the sentenses

  • task 3 - talk about the places using constructions "as...as..." and "not as...as...";
    згадай as long as...- такий же довгий як і..., not as long as...- не такий довгий як...

And your hometask is to do a test! Go back to the texts about the UK(ex.2b, p.212-213) and Ukraine(ex.4b, p.214-215) and look through them again if you want to get a good mark!


  • тест потрібно виконати до 1 травня 19:00

  • реєструватися потрібно під своїм ім'ям та прізвищем

  • тест можна проходити лише один раз

  • відповіді надійдуть вчителю автоматично

Будь уважним і у тебе все вийде! Good luck! Have a nice day!