5В - 16.04

5А,5Б -17.04

Let's go on a trip

Hello , again!

How are you today?

I hope you are OK.

Are you ready to start a new lesson?

Let's start!!!!

Today we are going to listen to the interesting text about travelling around the Europe. You will get to know what cities are worth visiting in Europe. You will be able to tell about the places you have visited in your life.

Сьогодні ми послухаємо цікавий текст про подорожі Європою. Ти дізнаєшся , які міста в Європі варто відвідати. А також зможеш розповісти, які місця відвідав ти в своєму житті.

But I want to start with revising of grammar material that you learnt at the last lesson.

Але хотілося б почати з повторення граматичного матеріалу, який ви вивчили на минулому уроці.

Present Perfect Tense - теперішній доконаний час.

What do you remember about it? First of all - your task was to remind some Irregular Verbs.

Let's check how did you cope with this task!!!

Let's play a game!!! It helps you to revise Irregular Verbs.

Start playing - match the verbs!!!

Good job!!! And now let's revise some rules of using and forming Present Perfect. Watch the presentation and try to remember the rules!!!

Гарна робота! А зараз давай згадаємо правила вживання і утворення Present Perfect. Переглянь презентацію і запам'ятай правила!!!

Present Perfect.pptx

Well done!!! I hope that previous lesson and our revision will help you to do the next TEST.

Click on the link https://naurok.com.ua/test/join?gamecode=745829

the access code is 745829 , write your name and do the test.

Тест доступний для виконання до 21.04 до 10.00. Be very attentive!!!

You can watch the presentation one more time - it will help you.

And now, please, open your books - page 200, ex. 1.

Look at the picture!!!

John is a young man who is travelling at the moment.

Look at the map - a guide for his trip.

How do you think, where is he travelling?

What's the title of his tour?

What's the motto of the tour? Why?

Now listen to the story and say what countries has John already visited.


For example:

John has already visited England.

John has already visited France. (продовж усно)

And now do the Ex. 2, p. 201 - choose and write the right variant (пишемо лише цифру і буквочку - нижче перевір себе).

If you need - listen to the story once more.

Pay Attention!!!

В записі нашого героя звуть Елмер, а в підручнику вказане ім'я Джон, не зважайте на це!!! Вся інша інформація співпадає!!!

Check yourself (ex.2, p. 201)

  1. b)

  2. b)

  3. a)

  4. b)

  5. b)

  6. b)

  7. b)

  8. a)

  9. b)

  10. a)

  11. a)

And now the last task for today.

Ex. 3, p. 201 - make up three sentences as in the example. Write down your sentences and check yourself.

В першій частині речення ми вказуємо місто, в якому Джек вже побував, в другій частині - де він ще не був (дивимось на його маршрут).

Example: John has been to London, but he hasn't been to Vienna yet.

Джон побував в Лондоні, але він ще не був в Вені.

Check yourself (ex. 3, p. 201)

John has been to Paris, but he hasn't been to Vienna yet.

John has been to Brussels, but he hasn't been to Budapest yet.

John has been to Amsterdam, but he hasn't been to Athens.

John has been to Copenhagen, but he hasn't been to Rome.

John has been to Stockholm, but he hasn't been to Madrid.

John has been to Berlin, but he hasn't been to Lisbon.

Great job!!!

You have coped with all the tasks.

Keep it up!!!

My Like is for you today!!!

You haven't got any hometask today!!!

But don't forget TO DO THE TEST till the next lesson!!!

Have a nice weekend and a nice holiday without the homework.

We are going to celebrate a great holiday!!!

I wish you A HAPPY EASTER!!!!

Be healthy and wealthy!!!!

Best wishes for you and your family.

Have a Blessed Easter!!!