21.05 - 5-В, 22.05 - 5А, 5Б

Summer time

Hello again, my dearest!

I hope you are great today!

We are going to have only a few lessons before your holidays!

You know that summer will come soon and it's high time to discuss some more summer activities.

You will have three months to have some rest and there are many different things you can do in summer.

I have a game for you!

Перейди за посиланням https://wordwall.net/ru/resource/2437607 і з'єднай зображення з відповідним заняттям.

Look at the pictures and read the articles below.

Choose the numbers of the pictures which are connected with the short stories of the children who tell us about their summer holidays.

Напиши імена дітей і цифру малюнка, який підходить до кожної з розповідей. До кожної історії ми маємо по три зображення.

For example:

Robert - _ , _ , _ .

Alice - _ , _ , _ .

Ted - _ , _ , _ .

Mary - _ , _ , _ .














My parents are very busy even during the summer holidays. I don't stay at home in summer. Every year I go to the summer camp with my friends. It is in the mountains. I spend one month there. It's very interesting and exciting. We go camping, go fishing and gather mushrooms and berries there.


I like summer holidays most of all. Every summer we go to the seaside with my family. It's a great time for us. We swim in the sea and sunbathe there. We often eat ice-cream and drink coctails. We always buy souvenirs for our friends and relatives.


I always wait for my holidays. It's a great time for me. I always go to my grandparents' place. They live in the village. My cousins come to the village too. We go cycling, have picnics and help our grandparents in the garden.


I don't stay alone during my summer holidays. I don't go anywhere - I stay at home in summer. But I spend much time with my friends. We often play active outdoor games or play computer games. Sometimes we go to the river and swim there.

Check yourself

Robert - 3, 5, 10.

Alice - 1, 6, 12.

Ted - 4, 7, 9.

Mary - 2, 8, 11.

And now, let's listen to the girls' talk about their plans for holidays and find out where they are going to spend them.

Open your book - ex. 1, page 230.

Look at the pictures and try to guess these girls' plans.

And now, listen to their talk.

Натисни на кнопку Audio і уважно прослухай текст.

And now you are ready to do the ex. 2, page 230 - answer the questions and check yourself at once.

Зверни увагу, в розмові цих дівчаток - ми не почули їх імена, тому давай говорити просто перша дівчинка і друга дівчинка, відповідаючи на питання.

  1. Who is going to the Bournemouth?

The first girl will go there with her parents and her brother.

2. Who isn't going to go to the beach?

The first girl's brother isn't going to go to the beach.

5. Who is going to rent a boat and waterski?

The first girl's father is going to rent a boat and waterski.

3. Who will fly to Brazil?

The second girl will fly to Brazil.

4. Who is going to live in a small house?

The first girl's family is going to live in a small house.

6. Who is going to travel around the country?

The second girl is going to travel around Brazil.

7. Who is going to hang around with his friend?

The first girl's brother is going to hang around with his friends.

8. Who won't stay in a hotel?

The first girl's family won't stay in a hotel. Her mum doesn't like it.

You've done it! It's a great job!

And now let's speak a bit about your plans for holidays! Have you got some?

Look at the children - read what will they do, make up your own sentences (усно) and say if you do the same.

For example:

This boy says: "I will go cycling. And what about you?"

You may answer: " I'll go cycling too"


"I think I won't go cycling, I'll stay at home and watch TV."

These are the all tasks for today!

You've done it!

Good job!

I haven't got any hometask for you.

I hope you'll have a great weekend. You've done your tests and you still have some time before your summer holidays, so you may plan them better. Think it over, what would you like to do, where will you go and I hope you'll have the great time during this summer holidays.
