

National Holidays & Natural Resources of Ukraine

Read this text and be ready to tell three facts about Ukrainian natural resources.

Ukraine belongs to the leading mineral-raw countries of the world with a wide range of minerals.

More than 20,000 deposits and manifestations of 200 different minerals have been discovered in Ukraine. Of these, 7,807 deposits of 94 types of minerals are of industrial importance. Ukraine holds one of the leading places in the reserves and extraction of iron, manganese, titanium-zirconium ores, non-metallic raw materials.

Coal, oil and natural gas, iron and manganese ores, native sulfur, rock and potassium salts, non-metallic building materials, mineral waters have the greatest economic importance. The deposits are located in different geological regions of Ukraine.

Build your grammar

Past Tenses

Have some practice:

Do ex.1, p.235

ex.2, p.235

ex.3, p.235

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Do the test " Past Tenses" термін виконання до 16.05 ( до 20.00)