2.04 - 5-А, 5-Б

Hello, my dear pupils! How are you today! I hope you are OK!

Today we are going to read an interesting story!

Are you ready? So, let's start!

Today we are reading for fun!

The author of the story is Oscar Wilde. He wrote "The Selfish Giant" in 1888.

Let's learn some facts about the author:

  • he was born in Dublin, Ireland/ on October 16, 1854.

  • his mother was a poet and his father was a doctor.

  • he attended Trinity College and in 1874 won a scholarship to Oxford.

  • he published his first collection of poetry in 1881.

  • in 1884 he got married, Oscar Wilde had two sons.

  • he published his first novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray" in 1890.

  • he spent two years in prison.

  • he died in Paris in 1900.

And now open your books at page 180.

Your task is to read and translate the story. If you find some unknown words for you - write them into your vocabulary.

Good job!!! I hope you liked this story.

Watch the next video now - it helps you to imagine all the events and have some rest before the next task.

And now, open, please, you exercise books and write down the date.

1. Your task is to find given words and word combinations in the text and write them in English in your exercise books.

  1. діти приходили в його сад;

  2. він дуже розізлився;

  3. багато квітів і птахів;

  4. весна спізнилась;

  5. холодний вітер і білі сніжинки;

  6. пісня маленької пташечки;

  7. Велетень посадив хлопчика на дерево.

  8. Велетень був щасливий.

  9. Зараз це ваш сад.

You have done one more task!!! But I have got something else for you. Let's remember Irregular Verbs!

2.I will write the verbs in The Present Tense and your task is to find The Past form of these verbs in the text and write them down into your exercise books.

  1. to have -

  2. to sing -

  3. to come -

  4. to see -

  5. to give -

  6. to hear -

  7. to go -

  8. to understand -

  9. to become -

  10. to fly -

Well done!!! You did it!

3.And finally I have the last task for you. Answer the questions of the ex. 2, p. 181 (усно)

Our lesson is over for today. Thank you for your good job. I am proud of you.

Виконані завдання надсилайте своїм вчителям до п'ятниці!!!