9.3 Imagining Implications

This quote, which kicked off our course, gives us pause to consider the "what ifs" of emerging technologies.

In this section, we will take account of our VR explorations and imagine possible implications for its use in our classrooms, with our students and our teaching and learning communities. We will do this by engaging in a collaborative brainstorming activity using a Popplet (details follow).

"We shape our tools and thereafter, they shape us"

Our brainstorming will center around the idea of Implications for VR. There are probably an infinite number of ways to think of implications. However, to help narrow the scope, you will use one of the following frameworks described in this video (to the left) to explore your thoughts about VR and its possibilities as well as outcomes-implications. Ultimately, you are trying to imagine what are the behaviors that could result from the use of VR. You will then add your ideas to our Popplet.

Begin your brainstorming by reviewing the *video and selecting one of the frameworks to imagine implications. Remember that for this exercise, we will only consider VR in teaching in learning and the behaviors that may emerge.

Importantly, you need to know that there are no "right" or "wrong" answers! This is an opportunity for you to apply your imagination and mindset towards technology integration and the meaning it could hold.

*Access the Frameworks ! Use this slideshow as your notes for the frameworks.


When you are ready, add your thoughts to our Popplet. Important: You will need to sign up for a free account and log in order to work on a Popplet. You can do that here: http://popplet.com/. Popplet, is an amazingly easy-to-use brainstorming and mind mapping tool*.

Once you log in, notice the centerpiece of our Popplet. It will serve as our anchor. It is titled, "763-VR Implications ." The immediate blocks attached to this centerpiece are titled with each of the various frameworks described below. You will *add your own block and connect it to a title block which represents the framework you used. You of course may choose to use your own framework. In this case, please create a new title block and connect it to the centerpiece, as well as your idea block.

*[To ADD a block, simply double click. Change it's COLOR so it is not black or pink by selecting the small box on the bottom left of the block. CONNECT it to its corresponding framework block by clicking on one of the small circles and dragging it to the framework block.]

Later, you will circle back to the Popplet (see due dates below) to connect with at least one of your colleague's thoughts. You can simply add another block or comment to their idea.

Post your "implication" here: 763-VR Implications. Due: May 7, 2017, 11:59 pm


Circle back and post kindly respond to at least one colleague by adding a block to their idea block. Your comment should explain why you "connect" with her idea. Due: May 9, 2017, 11:59 pm


When you have completed the brainstorming exercise, I encourage you to explore these lessons from teachers exploring VR in their classroom. There are some incredible ideas out there! I am sure you'll be creating your's soon!

Edutopia lessons using VR

A teacher describes how he uses VR (International Society for Presence Research, 2016)

Google Expeditions


Move onto 9.4 when you have completed this section.