Mod 4: Video Lectures


In this module, you will explore a variety of video lectures styles and criteria for creating a quality video lecture. You will apply your knowledge when you create a short video screencast. Finally, you will complete the Affordances & Constraints Reflection Journal and Virtual Toolbox. Explore each of the links and the content within!


Below, is a summary of the tasks associated with this module and its 4 sub pages. Go through each of the module sub pages to accomplish these tasks. Use this page as a way to reflect on whether you accomplished each of the required tasks:


You will create a short video screencast for teaching your students. Due: March 26, 2017, 11:59 pm.


You will use the Affordances & Constraints Reflection Journal to assess video lectures. Due: March 26, 2017, 11:59 pm.


Curate a video tool, app or resources and post it to our Virtual Toolbox by March 26, 2017, 11:59 pm.

Look Ahead

Once you have completed this module, you may begin Mod 5: Video Editing