6.2 Make it Interactive

While there are certainly many plusses to watching videos for learning, the downside is that it can be a passive activity. Fortunately, YouTube makes it easy for us to make our videos interactive!

Why make my video interactive?

There are number of reasons why you'd want to make your video interactive. Primarily, the best reason is to get your students to respond, react, engage and explore. For example, if your video is teaching about how avalanches happen, you might link to them to another video that shows them what one looks like, or perhaps discusses how to recognize warning signs and what to do if you are caught in one. You might create a "choose your own adventure" by placing clicks that take students other story endings of videos that you've created or other Public or Unlisted channels and videos. You could also have students click a link to your OWN class website.

To do this though, first YouTube has to verify you are the proper owner of the site, and then you'll need to link to one of your "Associated site," which means sites that you own. I explain more about this in the video how-to I've provided below.

Watch this video, which describes two ways you can make a YouTube video interactive - Annotations or Cards. The main difference is that Cards can be viewed on mobile devices. Annotations can not. Even though YouTube will do away with Annotations in early May, this video gives you a glimpse of how to use the many interactive features of YouTube.

Make Your Video Interactive! Cards and End Screens

If you already know how to make your YouTubes interactive, you can skip the video that I have prepared and move onto TASK below.

Here is a quick tutorial on how to make your YouTube interactive by using Cards and End Screens.

If you prefer text, you can see Google's how to version here: cards.

Also, check out more info on End Screen details by YouTube Creator Studio. Like Cards, you can use the End Screens to link to other YouTube Channels and your own websites.


Create at least 3 different interactions in your video. Use a combination of Cards and End Screens.

When you have completed this task, move onto Mod 6.3.